The boy is mine- Chapter 16

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Btw if you like this book you will love 'My secret valentine.'


Finally I had everything working out for me. I had my best friend back and my crush interested in me. I had the body that I always dreamed of and everything was just perfect. But I still felt like something was missing. I know it sounds incredibly selfish of me to want more than what I already have but that feeling just won't go away.

It had been weeks since James's confession and things were going well; it had felt almost like he didn't say anything at all. We were back to the way things were and it was great. He would ocassionally stare at me for too long when I would be talking to him and never before had I noticed but I couldn't help but notice it now. I often wondered what went around in his head when he would look at me.

I still hadn't gone on that date with Jason yet but tonight was the night that I would. He wouldn't tell me where he was taking me so to say I was excited would be an understatment. It was 6 o'clock and I had just gotten out of the shower to find James sprawled out across my bed.

"James, you have got to stop doing that. One day I won't notice you in time and accidentally drop my towel." I said with a hand on my chest because I would never get use to him showing up like this.

"And that would be  a bad thing because?" He wiggled his eyebrows and gave me a wink. "Unless there's a rainforrest under that towel." He joked.

"You're disgusting." I cringed.

"So you do have a rainforrest behind that towel?" 

"It's none of your business what's under this towel you jerk."

"Just because you have the amazon under that towel doesn't mean you should be grouchy, it's not my fault. I didn't plant it there."

"Stop it James, that's foul."

"Prove it then." He said.

"What?" I asked with a drop of my jaw.

"I was kidding." He said as his cheeks flushed bright red.

"Did you tell me to prove it?" I laughed.

"Yeah but it was a joke. And you wouldn't." 

"Maybe I would."

He sat up straight and asked,"You would?" 

"Definitely." I paused, "Just not for you." I laughed.

"And why not for me?" James asked back with an amused expression.

"Actually... you know what I will." I knew I surprised him because his head shot back up.

"I was just kidding Lanny I would never let you drop your towel for me or for anyone. I  mean it's none of my business who you drop your towel to but I just mean don't do it for me."

"Are you trying to say you don't want to see me naked?" I asked before I could take it back. 

What the hell has gotten into me?

"I didn't say that Lanny. Oh my god, just stop." James said uncomfortably and before I knew it my towel touched the floor.

James just stared as I stood infront of him. I was in bra and boy cut panties.

He immediately looked away. "Lanna, go put your clothes on please."

"You're the one that wanted to see so you got your image." I said to him picking my towel off the floor.

The boy is mine, WATTY AWARDS 2014Where stories live. Discover now