The boy is mine- chapter 3

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unedited please don't comment on errors.


English was always my favourite subject, I use to always keep a journal hence I'd love to write about anything and everything. I hoped that once I get out of school I would become a journalist and then a writer. 

However lately the only journal I had kept was a fat diary. That had in it everything I ate and everything I wanted to eat when I was stick thin. I had so many goals now that I was in shape. I wanted to join the track team, and show everyone how fit I am now. I wanted to be noticed this year.

I walked into English class and everybody was staring at me, I wasn't sure if it was out of admiration or out of spite. I made my way over to a spare seat only to find Jason Silver sitting right next to me. 

Mr Jones wasn't there yet so Jason turned around in his seat and faced me. I wasn't sure what to do. I pictured myself flipping my hair over my shoulder in slow motion and flashing him.

Flashing him a smile, I mean. 

I was sure he was looking at me so I did exactly that, except when I went  to flip my hair over my shoulder my bracelet got caught in it.

"Ouch, Ouch." 

"Here let me help you." Jason came to my rescue.. how sweet of him.

"Okay almost got it...almost there." 

Jason had pulled my hair out of my bracelet, and now it was in his hand.

My bracelet I mean.

"This is...pretty." I could hear the sarcasm in his voice because I knew that was the ugliest bracelet I owned. But it had sentimental value.

"I know, it's hideous, but James gave it to me in second grade and I haven't taken it off since." I explained myself and my poor taste in fashion.

"Does he have one just like it?" He teased.

It's funny because he actually did, and he wore it up until about fourth grade but  he got teased for it.

"He used to, but now he wears this necklace I got him, far more masculine." 

"Oh, I know the one he always wears right? Silver chain with two initials on it. A and J."

It took him a minute to realize that A was my initial, because up until about today he didn't know I existed let alone my name.

"Oh that's right Alanna and James!....sitting in a tree" He winked.

"No way, it's definitely not like that between James and I. We are just really close friends, I have known him longer than I have known myself." 

"Hey, relax now I was only kidding." He winked at me and straighted his seat because Mr Jones had just walked in.

I had just had my first real conversation with Jason and I was thriled. But let down by the fact that this morning he didn't even know who I was I wondered if it was because of the weight loss or because before I was this chubby girl that got out shined by her skinny friends or if I was just a sore loser.

Either way I shouldn't be thinking so negatively, my new years resolution of getting Jason Silver to finally notice me had just come true and I should be so happy about that. 

"Okay class get into groups of two, we are working on a two week assignment. What I want you to do with your partner is to write a small book. It can be about anything, PG related Mr Parker." Mr Jones paused as he saw Marvin Parker thrusting in his seat and looking at one of his friends. The whole class errupted in laughter. "Anyways you have a minute to find a partner and I will tell you the details of the assignment and how you will do it."

"Hey, want to be partners?" Jason turned in his seat to ask me.

"M-me?" I stuttered.

"Yeah you, it'll be fun. Plus I heard you are super good at English.'

"Yeah, I guess I am alright." I said shyly.

"Sweet, it's settled then."

I began to freak out, why did he want me as a partner if today he didn't even know my name? Could my new look be pulling this off or was it just because we were introduced today. I didn't want to think so negatively of myself anymore he obviously picked me because we were talking earlier and he noticed me because today was the first time I wasn't five hundred meters away from him. 

The bell rang and I raced out of class wanting, and needing to find James. His locker and my locker were right next to eachother but he wasn't there so I turned around and colided with someone head to head.

I fell down to the floor dizzy at my descent. I just layed there for  a minute.

"Cute and clumsy Alanna." Jason was standing above me, it was a good view to admire him from but it would be a little awkward if I kept staring.

He let out a hand for me to grab onto and when I got up I realized everyone was starting at me and Jason.

"Sorry about that I didn't mean to kill you, I can't control my strength." I joked.

"That's okay just take it easy on me next time." He laughed. 

James came up behind me as soon as Jason walked away. "Twice in one day, you got your new years reasolution all worked out, whereas my resolution and challenge of eating a spoon of cinamon without dying is still on its way." 

"You're a tool and it's three times in one day if you count our conversation in English. He's my partner for an assignment." 

"Oh taking it to the next level." James laughed and he winced as I punched him in the arm."Just remember what I said, don't try to change yourself for these people it's just not worth it."

"Says you, everyone wants to either be you or be your bestfriend." I complained.

"Yes, but you're my bestfriend." He said pinching my cheek. 

"Yeah.. Yeah I know."


Bit of a slow chapter but I hope you liked it :) Vote and leave your comments :)

The boy is mine, WATTY AWARDS 2014Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt