The boy is mine - chapter 4

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unedited please don't comment on errors.


The long first day of school was over and I was exhausted from answering all these girls' perstering question about my secret of losing weight.

Man, I should have stayed fat.  Life would be so much easier, and I am dying for a  mars bar. I walked over to James's car because he had told me to meet him there after school,but  I found Jason leaning on the hood smiling as I made my way over.

"Four times in one dayn Alanna, this is fait." 

"Yes, or we just go to the same school so it's unavoidable." I said matter of factly but I wish I hadn't because that was so not sexy.

"That is true." He paused looking down at his shoes and then back up at me.


"Anyways, want to work on our assignment today?" He asked. 

"We haven't even found out what it is yet, and something tells me it would help if we did." I said sarcastically.

"A head start wouldn't hurt."

"Yeah but this will" James said coming behind Jason and holding him by the back of his neck, " wait till you know what the assignement is, you cheeky bastard." James kept a hold of Jason's neck till he yelled out  for mercy.

I arched my eyebrow at James for getting into my business but he didn't seem to care.

"Are you taking me home?" Jason asked when James finally released his hold.

"If you want me to I will." 

"Maybe you can drop me and Lana here off at my place so that we can work on the assignment." Jason suggested.

"Not happening brother." James retorted.

"Shouldn't that be up to me?" I asked

"No" James said giving me the look meaning that there was a reason behind his answer.

"Maybe tomorrow?" I suggested to Jason.

"Yeah that's cool." He said back.

We got into the car and Jason and James talked about soccer the whole way there, I could have pitched in seeing as soccer was my desired sport but that was what the old Lana would have done. Not this new Lana.

We pulled up at the front of Jason's house and he got out and said " See you guys tomorrow." But not before he turned around, looked at me and smiled. I literally sunk in my chair like it was made out of quick sand.

James got out one of those towels he keeps in the car when he needs to wipe down the windows when it it gets foggy. He attacked my face with it, rubbing it all across my mouth and down my neck.

"What the hell is that for?" 

"Well to say you have  a little drool on your face would be an understatement that's why, just getting it for you." He teased.

"HA-HA very funny.  "

"What was up with you ? You usally always chime in when the subject is soccer." 

"I didn't feel like it today." I said defending myself. "By the way, why did you lie to me this morning?" 

"Lie to you about what ?" James asked.

"About Jason asking about me! He didn't even know who I was till this morning." 

"He did ask about you I swear!  He knows you as my bestfriend and he obviously thought you looked different. But if you ask me, you look good with and without make up. And before you lost weight you were still beautiful."

"Well, it's good I didn't ask you then." I said back.

"Smart ass." He retorted.

We got to my house and I asked James if he wanted to come down, like I did every night.

"Depends, what's your mum cooking?" 

"Trust you to ask that question, come inside and find out."

Mum was always cool with James coming down and even sleeping over most nights because she knew how close we were and she trusted James with my life.

"You know what, that's okay mabe tomorrow night."  James said back.

"Okay see you then." 

"Alanna before I forget.. are you thinking of going to Kayleigh's party?" 

"No I don't think so, Why?" 

"Because Jason is going to ask you to go with him."

"Really? Oh my gosh that is so cool! Maybe that's why he wanted to see me after school today! James you are such a pooh face as if you would stand in the way of that !" I said jokingly but kind of angry at James.

"He has a reputation."

"So do you." I said it before I could take it back.

"Yes, except mine isn't true and you know that. I would never trick a girl to have sex with me and you know I am saving myself for the right girl. Only you know that."

"Okay, James I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that.

James was in fact different from all the other guys out there, he was only that thought with his mind and not with his downstairs area. He was't religious or anything but he just had morals. He didn't believe it was right to do anything sexual with a girl unless he loved her. When I thought about it, he'd never really had a girlfriend which was weird. It was weird because every girl falls on her face trying to talk to him and he always just shrugs them off. 

Don't get me wrong he has hooked up and all but just not gone past that. 

James and I were on the same level in that department. 

" Yeah, that's alright you know I can never get mad at you princess." He paused," But if you do go, I want to take you there and back.You can hang with him as much as you want there but please just say you will meet him there if he asks." 

I didn't know why James was so over protective about me going with a guy that I have had a crush on since forever.

"Okay, I'll think about it Mr James." I said in an english accent as I made my way inside the house.

I went upstairs in my room and I was going to get ready to go for a run I found a piece of paper sticking from inside my drawer. 

I pulled it out to find a song that I had written a long time ago. It was about James. I unfolded it to find this:

I'm just your bestfriend

I'm only second best 

I'm your little actress

Acting like I don't love you 

Don't need you 

But I absolutely love you 

I'm your little helper

When you're stuck in a mess

I'm your guide

Walking you through your steps

I couldn't read it anymore they were feelings of the past. I use to really like James in a more than friends way. He was just so sweet to me, back when I was chubby, I mistook that sweetness for something more than friends. 

But I was over those feelings and I wasn't about to revisit them because of some corny song in an old draw. 


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