The boy is mine- Chapter 7

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James's point of view 

unedited please don't comment on errors.


I can't believe how much Lanna had changed over just one summer. Sure she looked different but I didn't think she woul act differently too. I miss the best friend I thought I knew. The best friend that could talk freely about anything and everything. Not this new dolled up plastic girl who I don't even recognise anymore. 

She is beautiful I must admit, but she was beautiful before she dropped so much weight. Weight that she didn't even need to lose to begin with. She was perfect the way she was and I wished she knew that. No matter how much I use to call her gorgeous, she would never listen. All she cared about was Jason and what he thought of her. 

She was a little pathetic like that sometimes. But I never judged her for it, I understood what she was going through, she felt like she was in the shadow of her friends her whole life. This week however, I just didn't know her at all. She dressed different, she looked different and she even sounded different. 

I knew it was selfish for me to want her to stay the same, but she was my bestfriend and I really didn't want to share her with anyone else. Especially not Jason. He was my best friend and all but when I said he had  a reputation I meant it. He was a root and boot kind of guy, he would act all sweet to the girl he wanted until he got what he wanted. 

I didn't want to see Lanna get hurt and I knew that she would if she got involved with Jason. 

When is she going to realize that I am the one for her? I have been there the whole time. From the day we were in kindergarden up until now. 


I was the one that was there for her through thick and thin. I noticed how amazing she was from day one and I didn't need her to wear the make up and the revealing clothes. I thought she was perfect the way she was, but now she was something else. Someone else. 

I really wanted to be the one to take her to her first real high school party but all she could think about and see was Jason. I wanted to make sure she had  a safe ride to and back from the party. That's all I was going to put out, that I cared for her safety. She cared for her looks and for Jason's look.

I lied to Lanna when I said I had a tough week. It was more like a heavy conversation with Melinda from spanish class. She was pestering me to go with her and I kept saying I couldn't, and when she asked why not I told her I was going with Lanna. She called her fat lana, so I told her to get the hell away from me. First I told her that she wasn't half the girl that Lanna was so she walked away.

I really wanted a chance to care for Lanna as more than a friend. Have the chance to love her like she deserves, but apparenly I didn't even deserve to take her to the party. 

If it was anyone else I wouldn't have minded, but it was Jason. 

I felt bad for lecturing her and what I said about her personality changing along with her body, but it was true and I wante my best friend back.

Tommorow night at the party I was going to go mission cock block.


A little short again but next chapter will be the party :)

The boy is mine, WATTY AWARDS 2014Where stories live. Discover now