The boy is mine- Chapter 17

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We were in complete silence, just staring at eachother. I was confused and needed an explanation as to what just happened and what came over him, but  most importantly what came over me. 

"Lanny, I..." He paused, "That kiss it wasn't meant to go for that long I was just trying to help you."

"Help me to do what exactly? Find my tongue?" I said sarcastically.

"Well, I found it if that's any consolation." He laughed.

"It's not." I replied bluntly.

"Don't forget you kissed me back, it wasn't just me." 

"Yes, but you kissed me first." I fought back.

"Why are we even having this conversation the kiss is over anyways." James said looking like he expected something to happen after he kissed me. He seemed disappointed with what he got. But what was I suppose to do? What about Jason?

Screw Jason. The voice in my head objected. 

But I can't. I finally have my chance with him and I can't let that seep through my fingers.

But what about the amazing guy that's standing infront of you? The one that cares, the one that has always cared? What about him?

He's my best friend. It needs to stay that way.

I couldn't make sense of the world around me anymore. My mind was clouded and I couldn't think of what to do next so I waited for James to spit something out.

"Well, at least you know that you're not doomed when it comes to kissing Jason."

"How am I suppose to kiss Jason tonight now that I have kissed you?" 

"It's simple Lanny, when he kisses you all you have to do is exactly what you did then, kiss him back." 

"Kissing is a big deal to some people, James! It's meant to be full of emotion and love. I can't just kiss back someone for the hell of it." I snaped at him.

"You kissed me back." He murmered.

"You said it yourself, it was just for practice." I objected.

"But you still did it." I began to stare him down so he added in, "you did it once so I know you can do it again. It'll be just like whispering something to his lips." 

"So what you're trying to say is you want me to kiss James?" 

"God dammit Lanny I don't want you to kiss anyone else but me and you know that but if you are going to go on that date, that time of the night will come, I assure you. So you're either in or out and knowing you, you need the time to mentally brace yourself and you're running out of that time."

"You're right. It's just a kiss. I can do it." I began, "how was it by the way?" I asked.

"How was what? The kiss?" He asked back.

"No, the pie you had  for lunch today."

"Yeah it wasn't too bad a little salty-" He began before I interject.

"I'm being sarcastic ofcourse I'm talking about the kiss James!"

He began to laugh and then he looked up at me with a look I have never seen him give to anyone before as he opened his mouth to say, "It was like a piece of me was reconnected like it had been lost till that moment. It felt like seeing the end of a rainbow. It was like seeing a white tiger a rare and special moment. It was like my breath was taken away from me. It felt like the way a kiss should feel like. " After he realized that he was rambling and that I was staring at him dumbfounded he finished off by saying " Jason will feel like a very lucky guy tonight." 

Wow. How can you let a guy like that just walk out the door? He was your perfect Romeo but you're too busy chasing stars you are too blind to see what you have infront of you. 

But what about my friendship with him? 

"You really mean that James?" I asked stupidly after all he had said.

"With every breath I have, I mean it." He said before all the color from his face was lost and he stood up. "I should go, let you get ready for your special real first date."

"Don't crash it this time." I tried to crack a joke.

"I'll try to hold myself back." He laughed.

As he was about to walk outside my bedroom door I called back to him, "James?" 

He had a hopeful look on his face and I immediately regretted saying to him," Don't mention this to anyone, is that okay?"

And the biggest bitch award of the year goes to the one and only me. The Queen B. The best friend heartbreaking machine. To fat patty.

"That's totally fine. I get it. My lips are sealed." With that being said James walked out of the room.

Why was I so stupid and so insensitive? How could I speak to a guy that liked me that way, how could I speak to my bestfriend like he meant nothing. I didn't have time to worry about this, I needed to get ready for my date with Jason. It was going to be perfect and James would understand as usual.

But was I making a mistake?

After I finished getting ready with a touch of red lipstick on my lips, I was ready to go, all I had to do was wait for Jason to come by and knock on the front door. 

I was hoping that my mum wouldn't notice the way I have tried really hard to look good tonight, and I was hoping that she wouldn't beat me to the front door either.

The door bell rang so I slipped on my shoes and headed down stairs. And lucky for me my mum had bet me to the front door. She opened it and luckily it was James again so I let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, James it's just you ! " I cried out.

"That's not very nice Alanna." My mum began,"James we really should get you a spare key."

My mum looked me up and down and directed her gaze straight back to James, "Can this be true?  It's finally happening! It took you long enough guys!" She began.

"Mum, what are you talking about?" I asked confused.

James had an amused expression spread across his now smug face.

"Can it be that you two have finally found your way to eachother, after a decade of friendship? How stupid my daughter was to not see it sooner James I'm telling you. Should have taken her to the doctors because she was blind from the start. Hunny, too many fat tissue cells got in your eye but that's okay they've been cleared." She continued to ramble but I cut her off.

"Mum! Stop it please." 

"Can't I be happy for the two now happiest people in my life. This is great, you two make such a beautiful couple." She said interrupted by the door bell ringing. "Who could that be?" 

I opened the door to find Jason holding a handful of roses in his hand, he was wearing a white shirt and jeans and he looked incredible. 

"Wow, Lanna you look beautiful." 

"Thanks Jason, you clean up well yourself." I paused and said, "Mum, this is Jason. My date." 

My mum stood there with her mouth gaped open obviously not taking it too well. James nudged her as he realized that she was stupified.

She cleared her throat and said " Well fuck you and your anti-climax you too. Left me more dry than your grandmother's turkey on thanksgiving."

"Mum!" I gasped embarased.

"Don't worry, it left me about as soft as a pillow." James added laughing.

"Stop it you two! " I yelled, "God you'd think I'm the adult here. I'm going now. Bye mum." 

"Yeah, cya Lanny." James had to chime in.

"Bye." I said grabbing Jason's arm and heading out the door.


Bit short guys but will update soon.

Remember to comment and vote ! 


The boy is mine, WATTY AWARDS 2014Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora