The boy is mine- Chapter 8

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unedited please don't comment on errors.


The day of the party had finally arrived and I had to figure out what to wear. I couldn't focus on anything but my fight with James. I didn't know whether I should go over and apologize for being such  a bitch lately. But all I wanted to do was go to a party with a guy I liked. How does that make me the bad guy? 

James was confusing at times I had no idea what his intentions were. Quite frankly tonight, I wasn't going to care. I was going with Jason and that was final.

I decided to wear a short red dress that I have had my eye on for ages and right now it looked good against my trimmed body. I wore foundation that was slightly darker than my skin and I went for the dark eyes look. I was set to go. It was 8 o'clock and Jason would be here soon. 

The door bell rang and I was basically flying down the stairs in excitement. I wondered again what he would think of me, what I would say, imagine if we kissed, my thoughts were racing but I was to excited to get a hold of them.

"Oh, it;s just you." I said opening the door and finding James standing there. He had done something different because he looked devilishly handsome. 

"Please your excitement to see me is over whelming Lanny." 

"Well you did call me fake so that's the treatment you get."

"Have you maybe thought to yourself yet that I am here to apologize to you." He replied back.

"Well, make it quick. Jason will be here any minute now."

"Right Jason, the guy you care about but have never spoken to until last week." He paused, "Okay, well first of all I am sorry for pressuring you to go with me to the party I know that was totally wrong, I am sorry for trying to pull you away from the awsome and perfect Jason. I am sorry for saying that you've changed even though it's true." 

I arched an eyebrow at him on the last part. 

"Whatever, you're forgiven." I said bored, but I had missed him in the 16 hours that we weren't talking.

He came in for a hug. I kneed him in the crotch.

"Ouch Lanna what was that for!"

"That was for not coming sooner, you can have your proper hug now." 

"I think I'm all good for hugs today Lanny pooh." 

Another car pulled up in my drive way and I just knew it was Jason.

"Oh my gosh James, I am so nervous. What if he tries to kiss me? We both know I have no idea how to do it... what if I drool in his mouth ? Or bite his lip off? Or what if I run out of breath."

"Just avoid it, it's easy and I'll be more than happy to help you with that, I should go." James said as he walked down the stair and back over to the drive way.

Him and Jason intercepted and they did a little handshake before they parted.

"Hey gorgeous, you look great." Jason said handing me a rose. He was so sweet like that.

"Hey Jason." I said back with a smile.

"You ready to go?" 

"Yeah, just let me grab my purse." I said turning around.


The car ride there wasn't totally awkward, he was interested in me because he was asking alot of questions lately about me, it was like he wanted to know everything there was and that was sweet.

We got to a house surrounded by cars and I was sure that the party was there. 

"Is it just me or is it really quiet?" I asked.

"Yeah, Kayleigh likes to keep her parties mellow this week it's just a gathering nice and quiet." 

"I prefer that, it's like she read my mind."

We got out of the car and made our way over to the door. Jason had my hand in his and I was afraid that the atlantic ocean was going to come sweating out of my palm.

We made our way inside and found that it really was mellow and I was a little over dressed but Jason reassured me that I looked the best. 

"Hey Kayleigh" I said letting go of Jason's hand and making my way over to the hostess.

"Hey Lanna, I swear everytime I see you, you get more and more beautiful." She said handing me a drink.

"You are too sweet."

James was in the corner talking to some of his soccer team mates, he had  a drink in his hand and he just seemed like he fit in so much.

I had lost Jason, he wasn't in the main room so I decided to find  a seat on the couch and be a loner until someone came and spoke to me. 

Someone slumped across the couch and put their head on my lap. It was Jason and he already seemed a little tipsy.

"Hey beautiful."

"Hey light weight." I responded.

"I'm not drunk, I am just happpy. There's a difference." 

"Okay big boy." I said as he sat up and held my hand again. 

He was really touchy and I didn't really mind it at all.

Kayleigh started clinking a glass and trying to get everybody's attention. " Hey everyone, okay so it's time for 7 minutes in heaven. I have put all 18 of your names in a jar. Seperating boys from girls ofcourse and whatever name are pulled out go inside the closet." 

Shit,I didn't sign up for this.

"And don't worry guys and girls, everyone gets a turn." She finished.

I looked at Jason who had the biggest smile on his face and then over to James who felt my worry and made his way over.

"Hey, are you still feeling unwell? He asked me. I knew this was the big save so that I didn't feel uncomfortable.

"Yeah maybe we can go get that asprin from your car?" I suggested.

"I'll be back." I said to Jason as I made my way up and off the couch.

We walked outside and I was freaking out. "I can't go into a closet with someone I don't know!" 

"It's okay just be cool."

"Be cool? How do I be cool.. when my first kiss is going to be with some random in a closet!"

"Just relax, I'll sort it out, but let's go back inside." 

"I can't."

"Lanna, do you trust me?"


"Do you trust me?" He asked again.


"Then be cool."

We walked back inside and James called out to Kayleigh "I call dibs on calling out the names."

That was the big save. 

He got up to the sixth name and he called out "James, that's me and Alanna."

What did he just do?


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The boy is mine, WATTY AWARDS 2014Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora