Chapter Five: Heal

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•| Karkat's POV |•

Karkat rummaged through the closet, digging for another knife of some sort. Everything was getting hazy, so it was really taking long than it should.

Dave took this chance to run up behind him and grab him, since he was much larger than Karkat, he didn't have the issue of him fighting back. Dave pulled the boy away from the closer, him starting to weep.

"No! Dave, I need that. I need it." His sobs were loud, filled with pain, one because he couldn't end it, but he began to feel the pain of his cuts.

"You're alright without it, I promise." He replied, getting a few things to lock the door. Karkat squirmed in his arm, but Dave refused to let go. He locked the door, literately with so many object it would be impossible to open.

"Dave.." Karkat somehow managed between his sobs.

"Yeah, Karkat?" He asked, walking into the bathroom and setting him on the counter. Dave looked at himself, he was covered in blood. His skin, clothes, and even hair. How was he not dead?

"I don't.. feel good."

"I know you don't, I'll fix you up, and you'll be okay, okay?"

Karkat nodded as Dave got to work. He took out certain supplies and started working with them. Karkat's wrists were heavily cut, so this would take awhile.

"This might hurt." He said, looking at Karkat through those shade lenses. Dave couldn't handle it anymore, lightly, he kissed the other boys lips, careful of where he rested his hands.

Karkat's eyes widened, until he mellowed into the kiss, sweetly kissing back. "That was supposed to hurt?" He giggled slightly as Dave grinned, almost like that 'you're so stupid I love you' grin.

Dave wrapped up his arms in several bandages after putting a special gel on. It took time and precision, but it was worth it. When he wrapped, Karkat would wince in pain, making Dave kiss his cheek. That made it feel better. Finally he was done. "It's all over, you're better."

"On the outside.. Not on the inside." He mumbled before Dave picked him up wedding style.

"Well, I'm going to fix that too." He replied, carrying him to Karkat's bedroom, recently a human bed had been installed. Dave set him down carefully. "Try to take your jeans and shirt off if you can." He didn't command, but his voice was serious as he walked out of the room.

Karkat did as he was told, doing as much of it as he could before the pain was getting too extreme. He managed to get his sweater off, and get his jeans down a little past his knees. Karkat examined himself, he was covered in his own blood.. It was terrifying, luckily Dave came back in before he reacted too harshly.

He approached Karkat, with a washcloth and another towel. "You got off more than I expected." The corners of his lips pulled into a smile as he helped get his jeans off all the way. Even though it might have been a little strange, Dave helped clean off the little guy. He used the washcloth to get the blood off, and the towel to dry him. Dave got up and went through his drawers. He found a pair if sweatpants and slid them onto the boy. "Try to fall asleep, I'm going to take a shower, I'll be right back." He told him, kissing his cheek, before walking out of the room.

There Karkat was alone, shaking, afraid. 'Don't worry.. Dave will be back soon.' He told himself, trying to drift off to sleep.

•| Dave's POV |•

Dave took a step into the shower, watching the blood drip off his body and into the drain was a bit of a scarring moment, there was so much. He washed himself off, then got out, drying himself off. He found some clothes than Karkat had, that were actually his.. Dave must have left them here. But they were washed, so he out them on, but he decided to wear one oh Karkat's larger shirts.

He wore black sweat pants and Karkat's large shirt, Kanaya must have been experimenting in her sewing.

Dave walked back into Karkat's room, kneeling down and looking at him. Karkat's eyes were still wide. "Hey, can I get you anything?" He asked, moving a little closer.

Karkat just shook his head, "I just can't sleep.." He rolled over, his back facing the blonde.

Lightly Dave rubbed his back, "Just try, okay?" Dave climbed into the bed himself, wrapping his arms around Karkat. "Hey, Karkat, can I tell you something?"

Karkat nodded," yeah." He replied, scooting a little closer to him.

Dave picked up the blanket first and lifted up, so it was actually covering them. "Karkat.." He started, pausing for a minute, hearing the faint sound of snoring. There we go, he finally fell asleep, "I love you." He murmured into his ear before settling behind him. He nuzzled the back of his neck, before kissing it softly. Dave eventually fell to sleep, keeping his arms secure around the troll. No way was he getting up.

Both of them slept peacefully. Somehow the two managed to get tangled in each other, legs on each other's. Karkat had rolled over so his face was facing Dave's. Dave had pulled him closer, feeling that he was far apart. So when they both woke up, their faces about an inch apart, Dave spoke.

"Well, good morning my precious Karkitten." A small smirk widened, but it went away as soon as he was pulled into a kiss by Karkat.

"Morning," he yawned, teasingly letting go of the kiss and nuzzling up close to him.

'You little shit.' Dave thought to himself as he placed a few kisses on his face. "Sleep well?"


The two cuddled up close, just laying there peacefully. Over time everything would heal itself, but for now this was the best was to start.

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