Chapter Sixteen: Wedding Bells

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•| Admin's note. Yes two in arrow. Sorry. >.< But seriously thank you so much, I've been keeping track of the reads and it's almost going up .1 k reads per day. That's seriously amazing. I cant thank you guys enough. Secondly, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my Moirail, (Thetheifofmind) On wattpad. Cause she's doing something for me and it's wonderful. So give her reading a look and maybe even follow. I promise you wont be sorry. ANYWAYS. TO THE STORY. |•

•| A Few Months Later |•

•| Dave's POV |•

Today was the day. It was actually here. It only felt like a month since they had met; time had flown so fast. It was purely shocking. Today, June 12, Karkat's birthday, in fact. Would be the day that Karkat would get married to the love of his life, his hero, his rock.

Typically, their ceremony was in a church. It had beautiful high ceilings and lights that made the scene twinkle, just a bit. With the help of Kanaya, red and white flowers hung on the end of each pew, while red rose petals were scattered on the floor, not too many, the perfect amount. The draping of red cloth from the balcony above made the almost white room pop, a true stylists work.

Each best man wore a black tuxedo with a red vest, tucked in properly, ironed just right. They had to be perfect. Since there were no, bridesmaids, in this case. The others did the same, tucked in, ironed just right. Dave's best man, John, wore a black tuxedo as well, but no vest. He wore a simple red tie to fit in with the theme. Karkat, instead of having yet another best man, decided to have Terezi as the maid of honor. She wore a beautiful red dress, strapless, form-fitting but not too form-fitting, and a wonderful white cummerbund to outdo the enormous amount of red.

Dave Strider. He wore a black tuxedo, same as everyone else. Alas, he had no vest, he had no red tie. Just a simple, red rose, tucked into his suit coat pocket was a perfectly trimmed red rose. His shades were still on, but not for long.

Karkat Vantas. He wore a black tuxedo as well. No flashy sparkles or vests, none of that. Only a simple white rose, tucking into his suit coat pocket. Simple, yet elegant. His hair was actually fixed for once, the bags under his eyes had vanished. He looked like a real groom should look like, perfect.

The ceremony started, precisely on time. Dave stood at the end of the isle, next to John and the priest. Every guest had been ushered to a seat by one of the grooms men, Eridan, Equius, Gamzee, Tavros, and Dirk. Finally as everyone was in their place, the organ started to play. Note by note, everyone was awaiting the second when the two large double doors opened.

Kanrki, first of all walked down, carrying the two rings that symbolized their whole life, everything. Finally all the way down the isle, Karkat came into view. Everyone, every single person turned to see Karkat and Terezi, elbows locked beginning to walk down, towards Dave.

Every step he took, he was one step closer to marrying the love of his life. Step by step, It seemed as if it took forever for them to make it, but they did. Karkat stood their, smiling at him.

Before they came closer, Terezi's and Karkat's arms disconnected. Terezi and Karkat embraced tightly for a few seconds. Once they let go, Terezi kissed Karkat on the cheek, mouthed 'I love you.' and took her seat next to Kanaya.

Karkat walked up next to Dave where John had once stood. There they stood face to face, so close to eternal happiness.

The priest spoke to both of them, letting them repeat the words. He spoke once more. "Dave, and Karkat have decided to say their own vows."

Dave began to pull a small sheet of paper out of his pocket, his eyes glancing over the words quickly. Slowly, he removed his sunglasses and put them in his pocket.

"Karkat, ever since the day I met you, I knew there was something there. Whether it was wanting to rip your eyes out, or wanting to kiss and hold you, there was something. That something has brought us here today, in this church, getting married. And that was something I never expected. We've been through so much that no one would ever had to deal with, and that has brought us so much closer. I love you, and I will always, love you. By the way, happy birthday."

He folded his paper back into his pocket, wiping a minor tear away from his eye. He slowly inhaled, watching Karkat's eyes. They were filled with joy, and happiness. Karkat, slowly took a sheet of paper out of his pocket. He looked up at Dave, then down at the paper. He spoke:

"Dave. Life has definitely been hectic for us. It was more of a roller coaster than I would have bargained for, but I'm overjoyed that it happened. I'm overjoyed that I met a person like you, sweet, charming, cheesy, romantic. The list could go on for days. My life was always missing something until you came. You were like the missing puzzle piece no one could ever find, but I found it, and finished the puzzle. I would be dead without you, I would be broken without you. I've never felt safer in anyone else's arms, and for that I cant thank you enough. Thank you for loving me as much as I love you."

Right there and then, a few people, including Karkat himself began breaking into tears. But he had to hold it in for the final few moments.

Their rings had been placed on each others fingers. There was only one more thing to do.

"Do you, Dave Strider, take Karkat Vantas to be your lovely wedded husband?"

"I do."

"And do you, Karkat Vantas, take Dave Strider to be your lovely wedded husband?

"I do."

"With the power vested in me, I now declare you two to be husband, and husband. Dave, you may kiss your husband."

Dave carefully cupped Karkat's face, kissing him passionately for the few seconds they had before the claps came from in front of them. They both turned, hand in hand, looking at the crowd. A few people had teared up, but Terezi was crying, almost hysterically. She was so happy. It made the newly weds smile even wider.

They slowly walked down the isle, smiling and waving and their guests as the exited.

It was perfect. Nothing, Nothing could get better. It was absolutely perfect.

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