Chapter Eight: Never Let Go

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| Karkat POV |

Karkat woke up what seemed like forever after. He saw two figures, blurry, but he could make out Dave and Terezi. Why was she here?! Karkat held his head, sitting up with a grunt. "What the fuck is going on?" He asked, grumpy like usual. Looks like he was back to normal in thirty minutes. New record.

Dave spoke up from a dreaded silence, "Oh, Karkat. I didn't expect you to wake up so quickly, so I invited Terezi over." He bit his lip, taking a step back.

"I told you not to, and then you go and do it anyways." He grumbled, grabbing the pillow and shoving his face in it before yelping. "Ow.. Ow.." He uttered releasing the pillow. Any slight pressure to his wrists made the ache.

"Now... Karkat." Terezi spoke up, making her way to Karkat. "Is the reason you didn't want to see me because you think I hate you, or am ashamed of you?"

"Well.. Yeah." He glanced up at her, trying not to sound weak and hopeless like how he felt on the inside.

"Well." She paused. "I don't hate you, at all." She placed herself on the bed beside him, stroking his cheek. "And, I'm very proud of you. I will never be ashamed of you, and you know that."

"..." Karkat was dead silent, he didn't want to speak, and he was confused. "Why would you be proud?"

"Well, you didn't die. I'm proud that your body told you to slow down, and that gave Dave the chance to step in. Even though you were fighting with for no good reason, you were fighting in something you believed was right. Even if it wasn't you were sticking up for yourself. That's something to be proud of." A dull smile tugged at her lips. "Now, sit up."

Karkat did as he was told. Once he was all the way up a firm set of arms wrapped around him. He hugged her back tightly, a few tears fleeing his eyes. "God.. I screwed up.. D-didn't I?"

"Just a little." She continued to hug him. " But you're alright now and that's what matters. Love you Vantas."

"You too, Pyrope." He smiled, wiping his eyes, he could really be a feely person. He wasn't some no feelings robot. He was human. Well, a troll. But none the less he was able to show some sort of emotion. It was nice, having someone there for you always.

Dave was being awkward as he could get, sometimes he would stumble or knock something over. He was an idiot. "Dave, come here." Karkat insisted, pulling out of him and his Moirail's hug.

He trudged over and sat on the bed, wrapping an arm around Karkat. "Yeah Karkat? " he asked quietly, pressing his lips onto the troll's forehead.

"I'm flushed for you." He uttered, scooting up next to him and hugging him tightly. "And thank you for everything, every time and all.." His voice was so quiet, it was hard to hear, but Dave understood.

"I love you too." He replied, pulling the small boy into his lap and keeping him close. "You never have to thank me," he cooed, continuing, "really, I promise."

They stayed there for as long as forever, Karkat had fallen asleep again, Terezi had left to go spend some time with Vriska. Dave was the only one aware of everything going on at the time and place.

"I will never let you go, not ever." He repeated, and it was the truth.

•| MMMMMPH. Sorry for it being short, I just wanted to finish this chapter being all fluffy and cute so yeah. It might sound a bit repetitive of what happened earlier so sorry about that. >.<. |•

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