Chapter Thirteen: Cuddles

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•|Karkat's POV|•

Karkat tried not to let go of Dave for at least ten minutes before Dave forced him off. He stood there, attempting not to shake. It's not like he wanted to cry, but he was scared, upset, a whirl of emotions.

Dave realized that pushing him away was the douche move and scooped him back into his arms in a large hug. He gave him a few kisses across his face and looked him dead in the eyes. "You're safe now, alright? There's no worrying to do anymore."

Karkat nodded, a brim smile coming on his face. He didn't say much, other than small little whispers to himself. However, Dave didn't mind these, it was probably for the better of him.

"Let's go home." Dave broke the small silence. He wanted to get away from here, from the situation, everything.

"Okay." Karkat replied, relatively quiet. He was still a bit nervous, what if everyone hated him, what if they would kill him?

"Karkat, you did nothing wrong it was his fault and you did the right thing. I promise you. And if someone dare comes after you I'll be the first to have a talk with them, okay?" His words were passionate, and kind, something Dave would really never say if he meant it.

Karkat nodded yet again. He went behind Dave and jumped on his back. He wrapped his arms around his neck and nuzzled into his shoulder. "Let's go home." He smiled warmly onto his shoulder.

Dave blushed lightly and agreed silently. He supported Karkat by holding his legs and bumping him up occasionally, but he was so light he didn't have to do that often.

Once they made it home, Dave opened up the door and walked in with Karkat. "We're home." He said quietly, thinking Karkat was asleep. To Dave's surprise, he wasn't.

"Thanks for all of your help, with everything.." He nuzzled his cheek before kissing it lightly. Of course he was in a cuddly mood.

"There's no need for thanks for something that's right to do, especially for you." He set Karkat down then say next to him, wrapping an arm around him.

"But you were there when no one else was, even Terezi." Karkat scooted a little closer to him, resting his head on his shoulder.

"Isn't that what a Matesprit is supposed to do? Be protective and love them?" Dave pecked at his temple a few times. He was trying to live up to that, being protective and love him. It wasn't hard to do either to anyone, but with Karkat it was a bit of a challenge.

"I suppose, Moirails are the same, expect they don't get to make out and they make sure that one doesn't kill someone else. Which kinda failed today.." Karkat grinned a little. It was a bit ironic actually. Karkat had made out with Terezi and he had killed Sollux. So..

Dave chuckled merely. "Well, let's try not to kill anyone else. I don't think we need another Nepeta."

"Nepeta only kills animals, but she does use their blood for some creepy ass things.." He trailed off, cuddling into his chest.

"Like what, sacrificing the dead animal to the animal gods or some shit?"

"Purrobably." He mimicked Nepeta. It was actually a pretty good interpretation, he had spent so much time with her he had her voice down pact.

Dave chuckled again, gently running a hand through Karkat's jet black hair. He didn't touch his horns, just avoided them, because he knew Karkat would reject the cuddles if he did. "You know, Karkat.. I've been waiting for this moment since what seems like forever now."

"I've been waiting for this since I stopped being an asshole to you, which was a few months after we met." He closed his eyes, letting out a sigh.

"That long ago..?" Dave sounded surprised. That was at least a year ago.. Why hadn't Karkat told him?

"Yeah, I didn't say anything because it just didn't seem right, you were still kind of girl hopping and it wasn't a good time with myself as well." He replied. It was extremely true, and it was probably for the best for both of them.

"Yeah, well. I'm glad either way, because we're together now." Dave kissed his head. "Now sleep, you're tired."

"How do you know if I'm tired? Are you the tired wizard?" It was true, Karkat was a little sleepy, but that wasn't going to stop him from putting up a fight.

"Karkat. You're tired. You get cuddly and adorable when you're tired."

"Aren't I always adorable?" He batted his eyelashes and became suddenly more adorable.

"Yes. Shut up, fuck you, go to sleep."

"Gladly now." Karkat pecked his lips once softly before shifting and resting his head on Dave's lap. "I love you Dave, even though it could be debatable sometimes."

Dave sweetly returned the short kiss before speaking again: "Love you too, even though it's debatable at times too."

Karkat fell asleep and Dave watched over him. It was the normal day in the life of them. Karkat would sleep and Dave would watch over him. It was a nice system..

Even with all the drama that went on in the earlier parts of the day, it still ending with a lovely evening of two assholes cuddling and being all adorable. Yet neither would admit it. It was practically a fairy tale ending.

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