Chaper Eleven: Black

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| Karkat POV |

Everything was pitch black, he couldn't see anything at all. Nothing. The worst part was he couldn't move either. He was tied up to a chair, ankles, wrists, stomach, and neck, all restricted. So in moral, he wasn't going anywhere soon. Karkat attempted to scream; however, only muffles came out. Stupid gags..

Karkat kicked, attempted to scream more, but nothing came out. He began to pant violently, he was already so weak. He might as well just fall asleep, just get killed while not being aware. It would make things a whole lot easier.

"Oh Karkat~" A voice cooed ominously through the darkness. It was obviously Sollux, who had been watching him for some time by now. Karkat did not respond, he only kept his head down, and squeezed his eyes shut tighter than before.

"You know." He said, clenching his teeth as he spoke. "It would be polite if you looked at me when I spoke to you." He barrowed, using his piisonics to jolt the others head up. Karkat's weak and weary eyes gleamed onto the Gemini, clearly hurting.

Sollux trotted his way over to the troll, the one who was about to pass out from the lack of energy. "I bet you could really go for some water, or even some food." He teased, turning on lights. At least five of the ten were fixed upon the Cancer, making him even weaker. To Sollux, this was all fun and games, this was just the beginning to agonizing torture.

Sollux had exited the room, saying nothing whatsoever on where he was going, or what he was going to do. All Karkat knew is that he was living for longer than he expected, and hopefully it would stay that way...

| Sollux POV |

Sollux briskly walked through the empty halls of an abandon storage house. How he had fell upon this place was a mystery, all he knew was that it was perfect. He took a quick turn to the right, listening to the pitter patter of his black and white shoes clacking against the hard floor. Oh how he would enjoy this day, enjoy it very, very much. 

He turned once more and walked into another room, pitch black like the one before. He flicked on the light switch and rows of lights on the ceiling turn on. In the middle of the room sat the one and only Dave Strider, probably awaiting his own demise.

"Why hello there, Dave." Sollux's voice bellowed and echoed through the room. Overall it seemed humble, but deep down Dave knew it wasn't.

Dave wasn't gagged, only tied up. Because Dave knew if he dare said a thing, or tried to say a thing with out permission he'd be killed on the spot. Dave knew better, Karkat did not.. "I'm glad you've decided to cooperate with me, unlike little Karkat. It's quite a shame, really.. " He mumbled, pulling out a blade with a curved tip. He toyed with it, like it was some sort of game piece, and it was a cheat method to win against anyone.

"What are your thoughts?" He uttered, pulling down his glasses to stare at the iconic figure who stayed seated in the chair.

"I think, I have to go to the bathroom." He stated clear as day. No way was he going to just answer him. He didn't have a right to be answered, him and his shitty questions.

"If I did here you correctly, Strider, you don't have to go to the 'bathroom' and you just want an escape plan out of here with your boyfriend. " He replied, then continued. "For all you know I already killed him." He chuckled, a deep, low, raspy chuckle.

Dave tensed up, his palms gripped onto the front of the chair. His body filled with anger, but his outside composition remained silent, and calm. "Yes, my bad.. you were right. " He hissed. "That's exactly what I said."

"Good, good. I'm glad to hear we finally agree on something." A smug smile crawled across his face. "Well, I might as well be going." He turned around, rather swiftly. "Oh, and Dave. Don't get any silly ideas. Or the next thing you know everyone you love is dead, not just Karkat." Sollux could feel Dave's eyes widening behind his shades. Perfect, really.

He slammed the door behind him, the sound ran through every hall, even by Karkat. At that time he knew something was wrong.

Days went by. Sollux had visited neither of them. They had no food, no water, no hope. No nothing.

Sollux had re-entered both rooms, three days after the first time he did. He gave them little food and little water. Just enough to keep them alive, enough to keep them suffering. Sollux had done a few things to Karkat, but nothing too serious.

He walked back into Dave's room, and began to speak. Dave wasn't paying attention, who would?

"And so, your precious Karkat isn't doing too well. He's barely functioning. After tonight he'll be dead if I don't kill him first."

He went on and on and on. Would he ever shut up?!

| Karkat POV |

Karkat attempted to regain some strength, enough to pull his head up and glance at his surroundings. Nothing he could use.. He took a quick look at his body. Harsh mark had been left everywhere.. He couldn't find a single body part that was completely 'Okay'.

He leaned down and spat out the gag, finally he could breathe right. Karkat took a deep breath before gnawing on the rope with his teeth. Thank god for fangs. One by one he got each rope undone and stood. He almost fell over, but he regained his balance and walked around the room. He found an abandoned knife, and a rope. That was all he needed.

Karkat remember the pattern that Sollux walked, because he paid good attention to his footsteps, He could hear the direction, and how far away he was. He followed the trail quietly, coming up to Dave's door. He heard Sollux's voice, loud and clear, facing the other direction in which Karkat was. Good.. Good..

Carefully, Karkat slid into the room, staying as quiet as he could. It wasn't humanly, or 'trolly' possible to have been quieter, there was no way.

Dave had seen him, but his eyes stayed dull and focused on Sollux, who continued to ramble. When would he stop exactly. Well, Dave knew as Sollux screamed out in agony, falling to the floor.

Yellow liquid came out of the trolls shoulder, him cursing in pain.

Karkat had stabbed him.. in the shoulder. Then again.. in the same place. He did until Sollux begged for him to stop. Karkat did, but tied him up after he had gotten Dave out of the chair.

Sollux sat in the chair under his will. Losing blood as the seconds ticked by. "Please.." He managed. "Don't kill me like this.. Not like this~" He tried to continue, but everything in his world went black.




| Mer. I'm sorry for not updating as much I've been busy-ish..I decided to leave it as a cliff hanger because I know you all love them. <33 Ehehe~~~. Thank you all for the amazing feedback and inspiring comments. That just makes me want to write more and more and Ahh~! I love you guys. I really cant thank yall enough! |

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