Chapter Seventeen: Reception

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•| Karkat's POV |•

The reception took place on the top of a hotel. It was only a few minutes from the church, and it had a beautiful view. Inside it was decorated with white table clothes and red accents. There had to have been a Dj, and of course, that was Dirk. A large dance floor covered some of the space, a photo booth over towards the exit. A full bar was open to all guests. Mini sections of different cuisines were scattered throughout the room, they were to be the main course and snack. It was a buffet, but more proper.

Guests started to fill the room within a matter of minutes, awing at how beautiful it looked. Terezi and Kanaya walked in together, smiling widly at the work that they had done. It really paid off. It looked amazing.

Everyone went off and did there own things for about twenty minutes before Dirk tapped the microphone, clearing up his voice before speaking.

"And, here come the newly weds~!" Everyone cheered as he began to play music, and the two came out.

They chatted with people until The were announced to have their first dance.

In human cultures, you would usually have the bride and her father share the first dance, but since Karkat wasn't a bride, and didn't really have a father, he pulled Terezi out of her chair for their dance. They had planned it some time ago, and it was just time to 'preform'.

Terezi and Karkat danced gracefully around the floor, occasionally doing spins and other things. Guess the ballroom dances paid off. After a few more seconds of graceful dancing, unsuspectedly, other music started playing. Both Terezi and Karkat got into position for the second part of their 'number'. It made the guests laugh, and some actually started to film. Once their amazing number was over, applauds filled the room and they both bowed, hugged, and kissed each other on the cheek.

Karkat got her back to her seat, then made his was over to Dave. "Ready to show off those ballroom dancing skills?"

"Hell, as ready as I'll ever be."

Dave placed one arm on Karkat's waist, and he held his other hand. Karkat rested his free hand on Dave's shoulder, and they began to dance. Halfway through there dance, the music dyed down, Karkat wrapped both arms around Dave's neck and layer his head his chest. Both of Dave's hands had gone to his waist as the swayed as one.

The dance ended, and right as it did, Dirk said, rather loudly into the microphone: "now that we've got the sappy stuff out the way, it's time to get this reception started." and immediately put in some decently poppy music.

Karkat and Dave walked around, greeting guests, giving hugged, getting kisses. Once they got to the table with most of their friends, they actually stopped to chat.

"Karkat! Dave!" Nepeta smiled, hopping up from her seat and running towards them, well, as well as she could run in heels. She embraced Karkat and Dave in one big hug. "I'm so happy fur you guys. Your vows just made ameowt all of us cry. Even Equius got a little teary-"


"Oh hush, Eridan was about to leave beclaws he was crying. You just got teary."

"Nep! Shut up!"

Karkat chuckled and hugged Nepeta again. "Thank you. So I suppose this will be a new ship on your wall?"

"I will have to change a few things," she falsely frowned, then smiled again. "But yes. Finally a foreverly cannon ship!" She squeaked as she scurried back to her seat.

Dave had been conversing with Kanaya, and Karkat decided to join in.

"Oh hey Karkat." Dave smiled, slipping an arm around him. "I was just over here thanking Kan for all she's done. It really looks perfect."

Karkat nodded, Kanaya smiled. "Well, I had to make it perfect for you two." She hugged Dave lightly then embraced Karkat. "Just because you're married now, doesn't mean I can't stop drinking from you." She chuckled sarcastically as Karkat blushed.


"I'm kidding Karkat. Human sarcasm?"

He replied with an 'oh..' Kind of ways. She wasn't kidding.. At all. Dave and Karkat went their separate ways for a few minutes. Dave went to talk to John, and Karkat shifted to Terezi.


"Yes, Karkat?" She looked up at him from her seat, even though she really couldn't see him.

"Can I have a hug?"

"You just got a million from the others." She grinned and stood. "But anything for my Moirail." She hugged him tightly. "So how's tonight been?"

"Wonderful, perfect. It couldn't have been pulled off without you and Kan."

"Id have to agree with that statement." She cackled quietly. "Love you, silly crab."

"Love you too, Terezi." He pecked her cheek then met Dave half way.

"Fancy meeting you here," he smirked and pecked him lightly on the lips.

"I agree, I wasn't expecting to see you." He graciously returned the kiss.

Everyone had already eaten as they had had their conversations. So now it was time for the cake.

The cake was stunning. It was beautiful, tall, delicious.

Together Dave and Karkat cut it. About five seconds after they were shoving cake into the others face. They couldn't argue, the cake was amazing. How could you *not* stuff it in your partners face?

Cake had been served. Dancing had happened. Hours passed. It was almost all over.

Dave pulled Karkat aside from someone he was talking to. "Hey, I wanna show you something."

"What's that?" he asked, following Dave where he pulled him.

"Just be patience." He replied, covering up Karkat's eyes. "No peeking. Alright?"


After a few minutes of walking, Dave walked them onto the outdoor area. He shut the doors behind them, then walked them to the edge. Dave wrapped an arm around Karkat before speaking. "And, open."

Karkat opened his eyes and looked around. The sun was setting over the horizon. It was beautiful and with Dave right there, it was even more beautiful.

"Wow.. It's amazing." He placed his hands on the rail, looking down below. It was gorgeous.

"Not as amazing as you." He sweetly pecked at his cheek.

"Mmm.. Maybe." Karkat turned and make their lips connect instead of Dave's lips and his cheek. "I like that feeling more than your lips on my cheek."

"Couldn't agree more." Dave replied, smirking just a bit, he pulled Karkat close to him and kissed him deeply.

The perfect ending,

To the perfect day,

The perfect beginning,

To the perfect life.

"I can't wait to start my life with you always in it."

"I said that to myself the first time we met."

"Fuck you, cheesy iconic blonde."

"I'll gladly fuck you, just give me a time, place and how hard. I just suggest not here and now, because the doors are see through." Dave smirked, kissing him once more. "You know I love you."

"Yes, I know, I know a lot."


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