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•| A few years later |•

Karkat and Dave had been working out the plans to adopt their first child, since neither of them were of the right gender, nor right 'race'. The first child way to be a human, female, and attend human school as she got older. The other child they would plan to adopt would be the opposite. Troll, male, and attend troll school.

•| Karkat's POV |•

"Hey Dave." He smiled, coming up behind where he was sitting, pretty darn excited.

"Yes, Karkat? Did your new sickle come in the mail or something?" He replied with a chuckle, standing up.

"No. Hush. The adoption process went through. It's over. She's ours now."

Karkat and Dave embraced tightly, both of them tearing up just a bit. They were both in shock, but whole happiness. They were going to get their child..

"You're not kidding right? She's really ours?"

"She's really ours. All we have to do is go down to the adoption center and sign a few papers."

"What are we waiting for then?"

"For you to put on some pants and to get in the car." Karkat grinned, glancing down, seeing Dave only in his boxers. Typical.

"Shut the fuck up. Maybe I want to meet our daughter pant-less." He retorted, climbing up the stairs to their bedroom.

"Doubt it." Karkat grinned, walking outside and into the car.

Dave got in the car after putting pants on, of course, and they drove down to the adoption center. As they walked in, they got a few weird looks, I mean, Karkat was a troll, with grey skin and horns. No one had ever seen anyone like that in the normal human world.

They got redirected into another room, there sat a women, telling them to sign their names and show them I.d.'s ect. Her last few words were: "I'll go get her."

They waited impatiently, holding each others hands nervously. Their child. Not anyone else's. Their. Child. Was about to walk through those doors.

Soon enough a little girl and the women reappeared. A young, toddler, around the age of 3 or 4. She didn't seem shy, like most kids in an adoption center would be. She was smiling brightly. Her hand jolted away from the women as she ran towards Karkat and Dave, hugging them as best she could.

Dave picked her up, and sat her on his lap. Just there an then an immediate bond happened. It was fantastic.

The young child had gorgeous strawberry blonde hair that reached to her shoulders. She had bright blue green eyes, and a freckle-covered face. Her name was Cecelia, and that's what they would keep it as.

Everyone packed up the love fest and went home, to their home.

"You're going to have a wonderful life here, a wonderful, interesting life, Cecelia." Karkat grinned as she hugged onto his leg.

"Why are you grey?" She asked innocently. Of course she would have to had asked.

"Well," Karkat kneeled down to her level. "It's hard to explain, but you'll be seeing a lot of more people like me, and a lot of more people like Dave, as well."

Cecelia just smiled and looked at his horns. "What are these?"

"Well.. They're horns. Not everyone has them, but people like me do." He replied, trying to explain as much as possible in the easiest way. She'd know more as she got older.

"Well. I like them. They're cool." She giggled and gave Karkat a hug. It was that one second where Karkat knew he, nor their son in the future was going to be judged by her. It was a magical feeling, really.

It was going to be okay. More than okay.

It was going to be perfect.

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