Chapter 1: No

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"Absolutely not." "Unthinkable!" "Not possible." "They'll get her." "She'll be our next-" "Shh!"

I heard this all from my bedroom, if that's what you call it, window. I slept in the upstairs room of my mother's house, along with my mother, like I had for everyday of all the 16 years I've lived. The same room in which my dad died. He killed himself when I was 7 years old so my mom could feed me.

The room was made of wood. Wooden walls, wooden ceiling and a wooden floor. In the middle of the room there was one big, ripped, dirty mattress that we both shared. On top of it, spread across my mother's sleeping form, was a dirty blanket. Dirt covered everything, My clothes, of which I had only the ones on my back and one other pair; the floor; my body; the sheets.

We lived a village, sort of, where the Respected Ones ruled over us. They're the oldest thing in our nation, and as far as I know, they will never die. For as long as I've lived they made us drink blood. We can survive on it for some reason, but we can't thrive on it. Yesterday, I sent in a plea to them to let us stop drinking just blood. I know that there must be food out there somewhere. It couldn't all have disappeared in World War 3.

Of course they denied my plea, I don't know why I expected any other reaction. Of course this is the response I got to my plea. Of course they wouldn't even think about it. I don't know why I even submitted a formal request.... except I do. I thought The Respected Ones wouldn't be able to ignore what I already knew. That we couldn't have been able go on having only blood to have to eat. Of course not. And now... Now, I will pay for that mistake. I doubted that I will live for more than a day. Maybe then the people will get some dessert. Something other than blood. They might be able to eat a toe, or a knuckle.... I should stop. I'll make myself sick. Besides, the Respected Ones will probably say I am to fatty. Even though I have no fat. Even though you can count every one of my ribs. Even though nobody has fat.

Tap-tap-tap......tap-tap-tap-tap-tap....tap. That will be The Respected One's delegate. Ha! More like the feared Ones delegate. Nobody has ever seen them. We've only seen the people they use to execute their business and the posters of them. I wonder who they sent to pick me up. I don't think they'll send the executor, Mason, to pick me up. No, not short-haired, tan-skinned Mason, but maybe Lily. gosh, I shudder to think about her. Lily. Lily with her long blonde hair, and her tan skin, with weapons covering every inch of her. She uses her hair to choke, her hands to punch, her belt as a whip... heck, she could kill by staring at a person! She's almost as bad as Mason.

Tap..Tap.Tap-Tap-Tap....TAP-TAP-TAP. I climb downstairs to the tapping. TAP. Step. TAP-TAP. Step, step. TAP. Step.

"Hello?" I say as I open the door. "What are you-" I interrupt myself with a small gasp. They didn't send Lily or Masen. They didn't send anyone. They came themselves.


A/N: Things to clear up:

I'm writing this with a friend who's not on wattpad (I know, right?) so just keep that in mind, there might be some differences in the way the characters act, depending on who's writing.

The first few chapters aren't as good as the rest in my opinion. I wrote them a long time ago, don't judge.

I'll try to upload twice a week at least, maybe more if the chapters are short.

Have a fantastic day!

The Respected OnesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora