Chapter 14: Deja-Vu

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1 hour later, after Jason had thoroughly checked inside the house, and I had checked the town, we met up on the X inside.

"Where could she have gone?" He questioned.

"She must have left the town."

"At least that means she gave up, right?"

"No. I wouldn't be surprised if after you leave she knocks me out and drags me and the Respected Ones up to their castle. Speaking of which, where are the Respected Ones, Jason?"

He opened his mouth to respond, but his voice came out a lot more feminine than I expected. "We're right here."

I looked around him too the door, and, sure enough, Amelia and the other respected ones were there. "Jason," my voice progressed to a scream faster that I thought it would. "This is your fault!"

"No it isn't" he yelled back.

"Yes, it is!" I screeched.

"Nuh-" His "nuh-huh" was interrupted by Joseph.

"You know, you guys fight a lot." he said with a smirk. "If I didn't know any better I'd think you guys liked each other."



I know, I know, I'm a horrible person. I'll try to update more frequently, I really will.

Stay amazing, and be happy! Your smile makes me smile!

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