Chapter 5: Choices

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I was in my dirty old room, face down on the pathetic thing we call a bed when I heard someone call me from downstairs, "Sage?" I thought it was one of The Respected Ones, maybe William. I wished they would have just gotten on with it and killed me. I deserved to die. I couldn't save those million people who died because of my request, and I couldn't save my mother. My mother or my father. Now I have no one to save. "Sage, um... We wanted you to know that you have a couple choices."

"What choices?" I called down to them,

"Whether you want to come with us, or you want us to," William trails off quietly.

"Kill me," I say without emotion, "You could kill me."

Joseph steps in and said, "Oh, no. We could never ever kill you," sarcastically.

Amelia said, "Why don't you come down here so we can talk, face to face."

"Fine," I grumble as I got up. I descended the stairs, considering my... my choice. What was my other choice? What could it be? There really was no other choice I could think of. I come, or I'm dead was it. Maybe I should have just gone. I wouldn't want them to get their hands dirty with me.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I looked around at all the people. William, with his tux, Amelia, with her fiery red hair, Isabella, with her oddly thin figure, and Joseph, with his huge muscles that could break my all the bones in my body with a flick. All of them dressed in black, like they were at some kind of funeral. "What's my other choice?" I asked, a bit scared of the answer.

Amelia speaks up, "We could always kidnap you." 

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