Chapter 15: Hello Darkness My Old Friend

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"Excuse me?" Me and Jason say in-sink, both blushing a bit. Before he could respond with "It's true," which I knew he would, because he was starting too, and that's what I had responded before, I said "How dare you. He's revolting"

"You started it," Joseph held his hands up.

"You started it," I responded.

"Did I though?" He said with a smirk.

"Yes, you did," I was going to say something else, but then I remembered what he had said about us fighting and responded, "We don't fight a lot!"

"I never said you did."

"Yes, you did."

"Excuse me?" interrupted Jason, "Did you just call me revolting?"

Joseph and I looked at him and said, "Shut up," at the exact same time.

He bowed his head slightly. "Either way, we won."

"By cheating."

"There were no rules."

"We need to leave," William cut in, "We've already been here too long."

"I'm not coming with you," I said angrily.

"What? You said you would!" Joseph said, shocked.

"I never said anything of the sort."

I started to say something else, but William cut me off with, "Amelia," Then the word went dark.



You forgive me for updating late? Hope so!

Stay awesome!

The Respected OnesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora