Chapter 19: Distractions

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"Amelia!" I said, "You nearly gave me a heart attack."

"And we are hungry," said Jason, "How did you know?"

"Oh, you know," said Amelia.

"No, we don't know," said Jason.

"So, if you were hungry, why are you standing in the middle of the hall argueing?"

"We were going to get food, but Isabella was talking to us."

"Oh, her. She's very distracting,"

"Nah, really?" I said sarcastically.

"Yes, really," smiled Amelia.

"Hey Amelia, I was just wondering what your symbol meant. I saw it in a book and it looked rather strange. I couldn't ask you before because... well you know, I was kinda saving my life." I asked.

"Oh, Yeah. I'll explain it to you." She pulled up her sleeve. "Everyone's is in a different place, but mine's here. The candle is the symbol of magic, the moon represents the night, which we are strongest in, the spiral represents spirituality, and last, the upside down cross with water coming out represents our birth, and that is most important of all." She said.

"You're distracting too," said Jason, raising his eyebrows, "Can you show us the food?"

"Oh. Yeah." she said, and started walking.

Jason and I looked at each other. "Let's go," I said and started following her.

He stood there for a minute and then jogged to catch up, "Fine," he said, a little ahead of me, jogging backwards, "but can we really trust her?"

"We don't have anyone else to trust," I said by way of answer, "Can you stop showing off?"

"I'm not showing off," he said.

"People!" said Amelia, "Catch up!"

We had stopped walking during our spat. "We were trying," Jason said, "But you were walking too fast."

"Well if you hadn't been showing off over there you wouldn't have had to catch up!" replied Amelia.

"I wasn't showing off!" said Jason.

"Enough fighting, I'm starving, let's just follow her," I said.


Nothing to say!

Have a very happy day!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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