Chapter 10: Getting Jason

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After I explained some stuff, I asked Jason whether he was in or not. "So, is that a yes?"

"Well it depends, am I getting paid? What am I getting out of this?

"I don't know, maybe the satisfaction of saving my life," I say sarcastically "How about I give you my serving of blood for 2 days?"

"Ok that's fair, but what is this 'task' thing anyway?"

"I'll explain once we get to my house. If you're in, of course"

"Yeah, I'm in."

"Good, let's go."


I was trying to explain the plan to Jason, but he was making it hard to do that and not throttle him.

"So here's the plan, I distract them for a while-"

Jason interrupted, "Why can't I distract them?"

"Because they would kill you. I've told you this a thousand times, just listen, alright.? Anyways, I distract them and you pull the lever of the trap up. The lever is over there by the door, just hide behind it as they walk in. After that they will try and get out with magic or something-"

"Wait, magic? Who are you trying to attack?"

"The Respected Ones. So then-"

"The Respected Ones? I doubt it."

"You'll see. Anyways, they'll try and get out with something, but we can't let them do that. So what do you think we should do?"

"First of all, I have no idea what we are doing or who we are actually trying to trap and second of all-"

"My god, I just told you all of that."

"Listen. Anyways, second of all, is this a date?"

"What the heck? NO! What- WHY? You idiot-"

"Stop, sheesh, just wondering. I mean all that nonsense you were saying... Just seemed like you were trying to get my attention."

"That's it, I'm done. I'm just gonna do this alone."


Then there was an awkward moment, and then he started to lean over. It took me a minute to realize that he was going to kiss me and I slapped him.

"What the crap?" I screamed.

"Hey, what was that for?"

"You TRIED to KISS me!"

"But there was a moment!"

"No, there wasn't. That was just YOU. And YOU'RE an IDIOT." I turned on my heel and walked away.



What do you think about Jason trying to kiss her? Was there a moment? Talk to me!

Anyway, was bored so.... here ya go!

Hope you're week started out impossible marvelous and just gets better!

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