Chapter 17: Lovers

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"Well...," I started.

"We were hungry," Jason finished.

"Oh, how cute, know the lovers are finishing each other's sentences," Isabella said in an oddly low voice.

"We're not lovers," I said forcibly, "Right?"

I looked at Jason for support and after a delayed while, he said, "Oh! Yeah, not lovers."

"Yeah right," said Isabella, in her normal voice. "Anyways, we need to ge-"

I interrupted her. "Wait, you have some explaining to do. What is this place and why did you bring Jason here?"

"This is Motram Castle. We brought him here--" she pointed at Jason-- "because he knows too much. We can't risking him telling people."

"What do I know too much about? What would I tell people? Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on here!"

"No, we can't. Sorry," Isabella said, "Anyway, we have some food down in the kitchen."


Nothing to say!

Have a great day!

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