Chapter 9: Berusong

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"Ah!" I wake up with a jolt. I look out the window and realize the sun was high overhead. "Drat," I say, "I fell asleep." I don't have very long until they come. It is already noon, and they are coming at midnight.

"I guess I'll have to go into this blind," I mumble as I start to clean up the books that served as my pillow last night. I had taken all of them off the shelf. While I am walking back to the shelf, a book falls off my tower. "Darn," I grumble. It takes longer than it should to put the books back on the shelf, possibly because I am so tired, but when I go to pick up the last book on the ground the tiredness disappears immediately.

The book had fallen open to a page I hadn't seen before. I look at the tiny paragraph, barely more than two sentences, and read them aloud. "The Berusong only had one weakness and it was very hard to find. It is called the puntfeble, and can be located anywhere on the body. If you press it, It disarms the berusong." Right next to it is a drawing of The Respected Ones, and a weird symbol. The symbol had 3 intertwined leaves, with a candle on a table in the top leaf, a moon in the lower left, a spiral in the lower right, and in the middle of them all an upside down cross with water spurting out the end. The Buresong must be another name for The Respected Ones, and the puntfebles must be their weakness, I think.

"OK, so that's helpful," I say sarcastically, "It's not as if I can press all of the berusong's puntfebles at the same time." Then an idea comes to me. It's gruesome, but I have to face the fact that I need help. Help from one particular person. Jason. "Well here it goes..." And with that, I walk out the door to find him.



Welcome to the world of weird words!

I know some of the sentences are a little weird but...... eh!

Have a magnificent day

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