Chapter 3: The Accident

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"Excuse me?" Said William in shock, his eyes opening comically wide. Obviously no one had ever spoken to him like that.

"It's true," I stated, because it is true. They obviously have some communication problems. I continued with my speech, "You came all the way here from who knows where to tell me something, or bring me somewhere and you haven't even started."

"I told you so," rumbled Joseph, smiling.

"Joseph. Look at me," said Amelia, undoubtedly annoyed and going to do something about it. That surprised me because Joseph is basically three times her in muscles, and that isn't even counting height. He looked like he could pat her head and accidentally kill her. But, even though he could easily take her down, he looks. "Shut. Up," she finished, grinning at him with a mouth full of sharp teeth.

"Ok, sorry," The huge man mumbled, hanging his head.

"See?" I said, thankful for an example at hand.

William pondered this, then said, "I guess so. But what does it matter to us?"

"Well, my mom will be up in about five minutes, so-"

"What! But it's nighttime."

"The sun hurts her eyes. Besides, you came at night."

"We don't like people too see us."

"There were still people out there," I said anxiously. These people had been horrible to me my whole life, but I wouldn't wish them an encounter with these unnatural things.

"They had an..."

"Accident," Amelia said. An accident. Of course. Every time someone disappears all the people whose family reported being out the night before are dead. Accident. Yeah, right.

"Accident," I repeated, furious. "It was just an accident that you decided to kill them." I knew they had killed those people. What other kind of accident could it be? I was just about to keep ranting at them when I heard a familiar voice from my bedroom, calling my name in a soft voice.




I was going to wait till tomorrow to publish this, but I didn't feel like it so, oh well!

Bye! Have a amazing day!

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