Chapter 16: Hunger

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I sat up and opened my eyes groggily to dark red and brown. I blinked a couple times and the dark blobs of color turned into furniture. There was a dark red armchair in the corner and a small dark red carpet on the floor by my bed. My bed had a thick dark red and brown cover on it, and enough pillows to cover all of the floors in my house. The whole combo sat on a beautiful dark brown wooden floor, with walls covered in red-goldfish wallpaper to hold it in.

I went to get up, but as soon as I left my bed, I practically froze to death. I looked down and realized I wasn't wearing anything. "Of course," I growled, and stalked to the smaller door that I assumed lead to a closet. When I opened it, I almost screamed. It was a huge walk-in closet filled to the brim with big, puffy dresses. It was like my own personal hell.

I fought my way too the very back and found under-clothing, jeans, and a tee-shirt I could wear. I found my way out of the red and brown room and started down the hallway. Suddenly I heard a muffled scream from the room next to me and I flung open the door open too see Jason, stark naked, standing in the middle of a blue and black room. "Oh, God," I mumbled and backed out of the room quickly, "There are clothes behind the small door in the corner, I think," I said through his now-closed door, blushing. If his room was the same as mine that would apply.

"Thanks," he said.

"You're welcome," After about a minute I did a double take, "Wait, what are you doing here?"

"I have absolutely no idea, I just woke up and here I was."

"Are you dressed?"

"Yup," He walked out the room wearing a suit that mimicked one a businessman would wear.

"What are you wearing?"

"It was the only thing in the closet!"

"Look in the very back, that's where the normal clothes are."

"Ok," After another couple minutes and he came out wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

"Good. Now can we please talk about why you thought I would change my mind about you?"

"I can be very persuasive."

"As if," I would have said more, but my stomach started growling, "We'll have to have this conversation elsewhere." As we walked down the dark hallway with small lights every three feet, something felt off, "Do you feel like we're being watched?" I asked Jason.

"Well, if you didn't, there would be something wrong with you," We spun around to see Isabella. "What are you doing out of your rooms?"



Things are getting a little awkward here, what do you think about that?

Have an amazing day, and eat lots!

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