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"I know I'm late I'm so sorry" Harris picks up as Tan waits in the spot he dropped him off this morning

"It's ok, if you're too busy we can have dinner instead"

"No I'm on my way, I want to see you even if it's for 5 minutes" Tan notices how frantic he sounds

"Are you ok Harry?"

"I'm fine don't worry about me, I'll be there in 20 minutes ok?"

"Ok no rushing I need you here in one piece"

"All right" they hang up and Tan continues to wait.

Trying to get Sarah Stiles out of his head Harris thinks about Tan.

Tanner Milton, just the thought of his name makes Harris smile, the way Tan calls him Harry, Harris has not felt like he did last night in a while. The only person that was ever able to throw Harris out of his element like that was Sarah. Sarah was the one, he knew it, but there are people who use their power selfishly, and Sarah was selfish. She knew her hold over Harris, he fell for her and promised himself to do whatever it took to never be with someone like Sarah Stiles again.

Pulling up to the spot he dropped Tan off this morning he spots him standing there. Skinny dark jeans, red jacket, with his backpack on his back Tan stands there with his messy brown hair excited when he spots Harris's dark sexy car.

Climbing in when the car stops Tan reaches over and kisses Harris as he opens his mouth to speak, letting go of the wheel Harris pulls Tan to him kissing him deeper.

Straddling Harris's lap inside his car in broad daylight they carelessly make out with each other, both haven't said a word to each other yet. Harris loves the feel of Tan's soft face against his, the taste of his lips, and the way Tan just isn't afraid to kiss him.

"I'm sorry I know I promised" Tan pulls away breathing heavily

"Don't- don't you ever apologize for kissing me" Harris pulls Tan's head back in and kisses him again "I'm so sorry I'm late I got held up at work, and I sent Teagan home, but none of that matters right now"

"Aww I hate it when things are hard for you, take me with you and I'll fix it."

Harris chuckles "very funny you have to go back to school."

Tan finally climbs off his lap and sits in the passenger seat "question" he turns to Harris and they both give each other their undivided attention

"Ask away"

Tan takes Harris's hand and holds it fiddling with his fingers "how does spending the weekend together sound?"

"It sounds amazing"

"Good" Tan smiles and they reach over lightly kissing each other then Tan continues "I'll just have to stop home pick up some clothes, and be by your place tonight."

"Even better idea why don't you forget about the clothes and I just pick you up after school? You won't need them"

"Why because I won't be wearing them?" Tan smirks

And Harris laughs "that but I can take you to buy new ones"

"Oh that's so amazing of you to offer Harry, but I have a bunch of clothes at home I don't mind stopping by and picking some up."

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