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It's lunch and Tan rushes to his friends, well Erica and Ronnie. Sitting across from them at the table he says "Sven just told me he wants to be with me and I need you guys to talk me into doing it." He wants to be with Sven but Harris is hanging over his head. How do you get your cake and eat it too?

"Just be with him, it's not that hard" Erica replies

"Ok but what if there's a third person in the picture? Say Sven had someone else he really cares about and doesn't want to hurt, but he really likes me too. Do you guys think he should stay faithful to the other person or..."

"Are you asking us if you should be Sven's side bitch?" Erica asks

"Tan, what's wrong with you?" Ronnie and Erica obviously don't agree

"Ok when you put it like that it sounds bad"

"Anyway you put it, it'll sound bad Tan! If he's seeing someone else then he shouldn't be coming on to you"

"Fair enough." Now Tan really doesn't know what to do, his morals are telling him no, his friends are telling him no so the answer is obviously no, but Tan's not going to let up that easily. "Do you guys know Lin had the audacity to call me selfish? Like I make everything about me, do I do that?"

"You're kinda doing it right now"

"I thought you guys weren't picking sides!" Tan gets up leaving.

Taking out his phone as he's walking Tan calls Harris "hello" Harris answers

"What are the chances we can meet up somewhere right now and have sex?"

"I wish but I just got assigned to a case in San Diego, I leave tonight"

Stoping Tan silently screams "how long are you gonna be gone?"

"I don't know but I'll be flying back and forth a lot. I know this isn't ideal Tan and I'm sorry but it's my job." All Tan can think about is Harris leaving and finding a reason to come back with a new car. No one knows what happens when he's gone

"No, I understand. Is there any way I can see you before you leave?"


"Fuck it's Principal Taylor I'll call you back" Tan quickly hangs up as the principal walks towards him. "yes PT?"

"How was the meeting yesterday?"

"Good umm they're still picking a theme which I found weird since it's so late in the year, but everyone has their speed."

"Good glad to hear that, I'm going to ask you to sit in once in a while and check up on their progress. You did such a great job with the yearbook you should be proud of that" she pats him on the back.

Smiling Tan replies "I am PT thank you" and ruins the moment. She walks away "ok I'll see you later" he yells waving at her back as she ignores him.

Sitting next to Sven in math class, Tan wants to say something but it's obvious Sven is ignoring him as he pretends to be on the phone. "Can I borrow a pencil?" Tan leans over and without replying Sven hands him the pencil he's holding. Class begins and they work quietly on the problems on the board, wanting to get Sven's attention Tan leans to him again "I left my calculator in my locker can I borrow yours?" Sven gives him the calculator and Tan gets upset, he won't even look at him.

After class, Sven gets up leaving and Tan follows behind him "guess you don't want these back?" He says behind Sven. Turning around Sven goes to take his stuff from Tan, but Tan pulls them away "are you really going to ignore me?" No reply "Sven I'm sorry if I sketched you out but I can't help my situation right now?"

"A situation I can't know about?" He asks voice low to show how upset he is at Tan, Tan nods "that makes no sense! If there's something holding you from being with me and you can't even tell me so I can help you, then you might as well say you don't want to be with me."

"Sven come on-"

"No Tan whatever the reason is I obviously can't force it out of you so fine, let's just act like none of it ever happened ok?" Waiting for Tan to reply Tan quietly nods, Sven walks away leaving Tan heartbroken.

He just wants to pretend none of it happened.

Walking up to his friends after school pissed and irritated Tan asks "do you guys want to go to yoga on Saturday? I need to release some fucking stress"

"Why not?" Erica asks agreeing

"Pick you guys up at 11?" Ronnie looks between them

"Sounds good."

Tan walks away getting in his mom's car. After a quiet drive home, Tan skips dinner and just sit in his room contemplating whether he should call Harris or not. He decides to call putting the phone to his ear "hi" Tan greets him when he answers the phone.

"Hey Tan"

"So my parents are probably going to bed soon, I can sneak out and meet you before you leave tonight"

"I'm already at the airport Tan"

"What?" Tan sits up

"I'm sorry I had to get going"

"Why didn't you called me? I would've left school I wanted to see you"

"... I know"

"Obviously you don't, I don't even know when I'm going to see you and all I wanted was to see you one last time, but that was too much to ask for." He takes his anger out on Harris

"It's not my fault it's my job and I can't say no to my job"

"Ok good to know. Good luck in San Diego" Tan hangs up angry.

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