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'Hey... I'm sorry I made you mad enough to not want to be near me in class... I won't push. Whatever is going on between you and Lin isn't my business if you don't want to tell me. But Tan you have me now and I'm not going anywhere I'm just worried. I care about you so please call when you're ready to talk.'

Tan reads the text from Sven as he's on the train heading to Harris's house, the pit in his stomach hurts, is it guilt? Of course, it's guilt, Tan isn't strong enough to go without Harris for long he needs this. But Sven doesn't deserve this and neither does Harris, let's hope Tan gets to that conclusion.

Making it to Harris's he knocks to no response, he tries again and is ignored hearing Harris's muffled voice, Tan thinks to wait until Harris is ready to answer but his lack of patience gets the best of him. Grabbing the knob he doesn't expect for the door to be unlocked but to his surprise, he is able to walk right in.

"Listen to me we go to court on Monday if there is a surprise witness Milton will need to know who it is, the drugs aren't enough and none of our clients are talking!" He barks into the phone and Tan listens "I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT ROPES! I gave you till the time I was gone, this case was literally handed to me last minute and I had no time to work on it. Listen to me we will not go unprepared find out who the witness is, get me those depositions or you can start looking for a new job." He hangs up in a huff, frustrated about to throw his phone Harris turn around and see Tan standing at the door. "Tanner" he is surprised

"I um..." he shuts the door "I knocked"

"Sorry about that"

"I've heard worse from my dad, it's like the walls of his office at home are made of paper" he smiles "I get it jobs are hard sometimes." Noticing how lost in space Harris is, Tan walks closer placing his hands on the man's shoulders standing behind him "you're so tense" Tan begins to massage his shoulders "let me help."

Harris has had a rough few weeks away and he didn't know this was what he needed till he was feeling it, Tan's touches are helping "I should start dinner" he comes out of his trance not letting his desires get the best of him.

"Don't worry about that, Harry" Tan walks around him bringing their faces close. Missing Tan's lips Harris doesn't hold back kissing him, he takes the boy's jacket off and they kiss their way to his room.

Left in the room after they're done, Tan starts to put his clothes on when Harris walks in, "I've got the stove going-" he sees Tan getting dressed "you're leaving?"

"Yeah I'm sorry" he puts on his shirt "if I stay out Scott and Shiela will be on my case, and things have been kind of good lately with them so I should try to maintain that."

"Okay, do you want me to drive you home?"

"That's ok I can take the train" Tan walks to Harris after he is fully dressed. "Tonight was amazing" he kisses the man "thank you"

"Call soon?"

"Sure" he kisses his cheek before leaving Harris in the room.

Making it to the train station on time Tan sits on the train home taking out his phone. Going straight for Sven's text he reads it a couple of times, guilt starts to rush over him as his eyes scan Sven's words.

It is easy to think Tan is taking everything he's got for granted, or being greedy because he doesn't know what to do or who to choose.

Finding it too late to call Tan decides to text Sven back, maybe he'll be asleep and he won't even see the text, at least that's what Tan hopes. He doesn't want to talk to Sven because he knows just the sound of the boy's voice will make him hate himself. So he texts 'I'm sorry I'm such a shitty person you deserve so much better.' He hits send quickly locking his phone

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