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"He's right there" Lin stands next to Tan at their lockers Monday morning staring at Sven talking to his friends. He looks so good wearing his letterman jacket and jeans that hug his butt perfectly, Tan is in the Sven Trance "hey!" Lin snaps him out "focus"

"What if this is a good thing?" Tan asks going back to what he was doing "maybe I'm not supposed to be with him, just drool from a distance like the gods intended."

"Um no shut up you're meant to be with him"

"Then why did I take him for granted? No one like me has ever gotten this far and I fucked it all up, I'm a disappointment to gay guys everywhere."

"I should stop thinking like a woman and think like a gay guy!" Lin follows Tan's posture as Tan stares at Sven, she fakes her trance "I see it... he's too sexy"

"Yes! He is way too sexy"

"Ok but that was me talking, he's too sexy for me because I'd never think about going after someone like that. Way out of my league, but you didn't think that way and somehow got that man" she starts applauding embarrassing Tan

"Stop Lin" Tan pulls her hands down as people stare

"I'm just saying you got that once, I don't doubt you can do it again."

The day sucked for Lin the most, she didn't realize it until today but she sees Sven in a day more than Tan does. During their gym class before lunch, Sven walks up to Lin as she plays basketball with the girls, as the guys play basketball together. "I need to talk to you" he stands in front of her on the court

She's holding the ball about to throw it "join our team and we can talk," Lin goes to run around him but he's much faster and much taller so he takes the ball throwing it to someone else. "Not cool Sven!"

He takes her off the court "who did Tan sleep with?" He asks

Out of breath and sweating Lin remembers Tan's demand "I don't know" she answers and Sven scoffs rolling his eyes "he won't tell us, says it's to protect everyone."

"You're lying to me Lin and if it was just about Tan I would understand, but there's someone else involved now"

"I want to know too Sven but he won't tell me."

"Remember all the shit you said about Tan only caring about Tan? And how I shouldn't trust his lies? All of that was because you were mad at him, and you were so mad that you stopped talking to him. He still won't tell the truth, but you just magically forgave him? You really want me to believe that?"

"There was no point in fighting if he never planned on telling anyone, it was just wasting energy"

"That's such bull Lin come on! You want me to forgive him right?" Lin nods "then tell me! Do I know him? Does he go to this school?"

"I don't know" Lin stands her ground "I'm sorry Sven"

"Yeah whatever" he walks away from her.

"Tanner" Tan hears the principal's voice call him as he walks to class

"Yes, Principal Taylor" he turns to her.

"Can I see you in my office?"

"Sure" He follows behind her tall frame and high heels she rocks better than anyone. Walking in after her Tan shuts the door and waits for her to speak

Principal Taylor sits in her chair "you probably don't know this but that job I offered your father's colleague, he didn't accept" Tan knows. "And since you are his acquaintance I was wondering if perhaps maybe you knew anything about him."

Tanner in The Center BoyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now