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"Hey Teagan" Tan walks over to her desk as she gets up grabbing her bag


"Harris in there?"

"No he's been in court all day should be back soon though, I'm done for the day"

"All right I'll just wait in there for him"

"Ok bye Tan."

"See ya" he walks into Harris's office shutting the door. Staring at the man's sophisticated chair Tan gets the urge to sit in it, doing so he gets comfortable and starts to look around.

Bored out of his mind, Tan paces waiting for Harris to come back. He looked through every drawer in the office even though Harris is a lawyer and snooping is probably illegal. He finally walks in and Tan stops walking "Tanner" he stops seeing Tan's face

"Hi" Tan smiles nervously "took you long enough"

"Were you waiting for me?" Harris shuts the door walking to his desk dropping his briefcase and taking off his jacket.

"Yes I really needed to talk to you"

"All right" Harris sits in his chair behind his desk with Tan sitting in front of him.

"I know it's been almost 2 weeks since..." Harris had angry sex with him in front of his front door then ignored him. "I really need to explain myself"

"No you don't, what I did was unacceptable I am very sorry if I took advantage of you."

"What? Harry no" Tan moves to the tip of his chair reaching out touching the man's hand, "I loved every second of what happened, and you did not take advantage never think that." He pulls his hand away "I shouldn't have broken up with you without a better explanation."

"It's the guy I met at your house right? What was it, Ben?" Harris guesses

"Sven" Tan corrects "and yes. I-" he drops his head embarrassed "I have a crush on him, I've had a crush on him for so long and Sven's finally giving me a chance. I want to take it, I have to or I feel like I'll regret it and I don't want to live with regrets." Harris listens to every word, taking everything Tan is saying in "but that doesn't mean you're not special to me because you are, what we have is definitely more than I've ever expected."

"Your heart belongs to Sven, I get it"

"I know it's not a guarantee that Sven and I will be together forever, but if I'm trying this with him I have to wholeheartedly" Harris nods understanding. He's proving to Tan he can be an adult about the situation, doesn't mean it's not hurting. "Can we still be friends?"

"Sure I'm here for you no matter what"

Tan smiles "thanks Harry" getting up he turns heading for the door

But Harris says "ask me to wait, I will" Tan looks at him and they both smile. "I'm a very patient person"

"I know that" Tan stands at his desk looking down at the man in the chair behind it, "asking you to wait wouldn't be fair. You're going to find someone great"

"You're great"

"But I'm not enough, not for you at least. I wanted to be though, I wanted to be everything you wanted because you're so amazing, but someone equally amazing deserves that."


"Thank you for understanding, Harry"

One amends down, 4 more to go.

When they were in the ninth grade Linda, Erica, Ronnie, and Tanner would meet each other at Camden Park and talk about everything that was wrong. It used to be their time to open up, they'd sneak out meet there in pajamas at night with snacks. Sometimes it was dark and scary but they had each other. That's how Tan plans on getting his friends back, they outgrew that tradition but Tan needed a comeback.

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