Chapter One: Meeting HIM

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   Dani's P.O.V.

      Beep! Beep! Beep! The alarm kept going off no matter how hard I hit the snooze button. "Argh! Turn. Off!" I yelled between hits. "It's above the clock, not on the clock. Freak." My roomate snickered. I groaned and turned on my side. "Why'd you even set the alarm?" I asked, finally turning off the alarm. "Because, we're entering a contest. Pentatonix is staying in San Fran for a month at their condo, so they are holding this contest where a winner will live with them for that whole month. Seriously, best deal ever!" My roomate, Lauren was the biggest fan of Pentatonix ever. So was I, but I was a bit more serious about it. She had about every product Ptx sold. Except the male material of course. She had albums thrown around the room, and some shirts were thrown in her closet. "Can I borrow a shirt? I want to look like a crazed fan today." I teased Lauren. She stuck her tongue out at me. "No, get your own shirts!" I laughed. I grabbed white high-waisted shorts along with a pink floral see through shirt. The black tank top underneath contrasted with the flowers. I topped it off with a natural make-up look and ankle boots. Lauren was wearing the Ptx shirt with some dark skinny jeans and converse. She was more tomboyish than I was. "Come on, who's driving?" "You know where it is." I responded. She groaned and grabbed the keys. I grabbed my phone, shoved it in my back pocket then locked the door and followed Lauren. She unlocked our black convertible. It wasn't much, but it was perfect for the San Fransico sun. Until it rains. "Hop in, Dani!" She screamed. She landed in the car with a loud thud. She turned the dial for the radio. Roar by Katy Perry was on, she screamed in delight and turned it up louder. This wasn't exactly my favorite genre of music. She drummed her fingers on the steeringwheel to the beat. "Loosen up." She told me. I sighed. "Let's just get this over with. I just want to hurry up and lose so we can go back to our pathetic lives." I laughed. "I dunno Dani, I have this feeling."

     We pulled into a parking lot with a dozen cars. We were lucky enough a young gentleman let us have his parking spot, if you say "letting us" is actually flipping us off. Lauren gave a cute smile to the man and we whirled in. "Come on, come on!" Lauren bounced. We got out of the car and she pranced to the place where the contest was being held. Swarms of fans surrounded me and I lost Lauren. "Lauren?!" I stumbled around in the crowd. I was pushed towards a building. A door was right there. Tired of all the screaming and pushing, I pulled the door open. I closed it then tried to fix my hair. It was everywhere, people were wild. 

     "Hey, you can't be back here." I turned around towards the voice. "What?" I looked around for a person. The voice sounded masculine. A man walked out of a room eating a donut. "Oh hey, how'd you get in here?" His blonde hair was combed back to resemble a mohawk, but his hair still looked full. "Uhm... Pentatonix fans... they pushed me in here." I backed towards the door. "I'm sorry..." I immediantly knew who this man was. Scott Hoying. "Hey, no, it's okay. You can stay in here and just relax. I didn't think we'd have people being thrown in here." He chuckled. "I assume you know who I am, since you have that silent starstruck look." He smiled. "Uhhh... yeah. You're Scott..." I quickly composed myself. "Come here..." I held his hand out to me. I gulped. "Okay." I walked towards him and put my hand in his. It was really warm. "Let me introduce you to the group..." He waited. "Oh, I'm Danielle. But you can call me Dani if you want." I said quickly. "Okay, Dani." He gave me another grin. He lead me into the stage area. A group of voices were talking loudly. I reconized Kevin's laugh. Then I heard Avi's deep voice. Kirstie's light, melodic voice was after that, commenting on Mitch's singing. He sang the chorus of Royals by Lorde. I jerked to a stop, not wanting to interrupt his beautiful singing. Scott looked back at me. "One moment." I mouthed to him. He nodded and rolled his eyes. I smiled. Mitch stopped singing and his gaze caught mine. I stopped breathing. Kirstie noticed he stopped and looked over here and looked at me confused. Avi did too, but he gave a little smirk. "So, Scott picked up another fine young woman?" I blushed. Scott laughed. Kevin was the last one to turn around. He gave a big grin. He got up and came to me. "Nice to meet you." He held out his hand. I reluctantly took it and he brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it. "You too." I smiled. He let my hand go and stepped to the side. Avi got up next. "I see Scott picked you up. How exactly did he do that?" "Your fans were very vicious and they basically attacked me. I saw this door and I didn't even think to knock. I'm sorry." He laughed. "No, it's perfectly fine." He gave me a side hug. I stiffened, then his cologne hit my nose. I gave a silent sniff. It smelled like lemon and pine. Scott let go of my hand and stepped aside so Avi could hug me better. Kirstie cleared her throat and Avi stepped back, his face red. "Nice perfume." He commented. I blushed in embarrassment. Mitch came next. "Hey there!" He gave me a short and sweet hug. This time I returned it. He laughed into my hair and pulled away. "I've known you for about 5 minutes and I already like you. You're on my good side." I looked at Kirstie. "Are you here for the contest?" She cocked her head to the side. "Yeah, I am. I lost my friend in the crowd... oh crap! I lost Lauren!" I rushed towards the door I came in, but when my hand grasped the bar, Scott held my arm. "You can't. You'll be trampled. Let us ask for her on stage." I stared at his face in disbelief. "People will tear her to shreds on her way up there." "Don't worry." He gave me a heartwarming smile. "Ahh.. okay." I agreed. I shamefully walked towards the group. "We go on stage in 30 seconds." Avi said. "Okay, lets get ready." Kevin fixed all of their microphones. Scott fiddled with his shirt sleeve, and Avi fixed his beanie. "On in 5... 4..." "Good luck!" I cried over the crowd. "Thanks!" Scott, Mitch, and Avi yelled.

     "Hey guys!" they yelled. "We're Pentatonix, and we are all so happy you are here for this event." Through the curtains I could see Avi periodically looking back towards me. "First things first, we want to ask someone to come to the stage. Lauren?" I heard Avi's deep voice say. I saw them look around the area. I wanted to look for the redhead in the crowd. "Alright, lets try this. Lauren come up here because your friend..." Avi looked towards Scott for my name. "Dani." "Because Dani is backstage because she left you accidentally. She's worried about you." They searched the crowd. Everyone was dead silent. I groaned and collapsed on the couch. Lauren was being a total jerk. She must think this is a big prank. Avi murmured an apology and came to get me. He stood in front of me. "Where is she?" "I don't know." "Come out on stage to look for her." I shook my head. He grabbed my hand. "Not a good idea... trust me..." He pulled me onto the stage and presented me in front of the crowd. I froze. My eyes gazed over the crowd. I looked for the styled hair I knew most. Avi stood beside me. His microphone was right next to my face. I looked at him. "Avi, can I...?" "I can't take it off and give it to you." I groaned and spoke into the microphone really close to his ear. "Lauren, can you please come up here. You're really worrying me." I saw a head move in the crowd. I moved my head away from Avi's and stood transfixed on the hair. "Excuse me... pardon me." Her soft voice told me it was Lauren. "Lauren! Thank god!" I helped her onto the stage and looked at Avi. His face was pale and he looked frozen. I giggled. It was unexpected. "Sorry guys..." I pulled Lauren backstage. 

      Many questions later Pentatonix got around to announcing the contest winners. A man wheeled a drawing box onto the center stage, and Scott got really excited looking at it. Mitch declared he would draw the names and several girls screamed his name. He laughed and so did the rest of the group. "I feel really out of place." Lauren said to me. I nodded. "It's very awkward." "Starting from the bottom, 5th place winner is: Abigail Bridget! Congratulations! You get a free signed poster and a T-shirt! Come backstage to claim your rewards." Mitch repeated this for 3 other people, then he said something that surprised me. "Second place, Danielle Grimsley. Congratulations!" Avi looked back at me. My face lit up. He gestured to Scott, and he looked behind him and grinned at me. "And finally... 1st place goes to..." Avi and Kevin drumrolled. "Lauren Florez!" The crowd erupted into cheers. "Lauren! Come on out here!" I pushed Lauren towards the stage and she looked back at me. "Oh my god!" she mouthed. "This, is our contest winner! Congratulations!" Mitch said to her. He squeezed her shoulders and the crowd cheered. Surprisingly, no one seemed hateful they didn't win. I knew this was what Lauren wanted. She would take a month off and live with Pentatonix while I'd be in class probably doodling. "What's up?" I glanced up through my short bangs. "Are you guys done already?" I asked Scott. "Yeah." He plopped down on the couch next to me. "You got second place and your friend got first. Are you happy?" "Yeah, of course! I'm so happy for Lauren. She's a big fan of you guys." I smiled. Scott was really easy to talk to. "Why do you keep frowning then?" "I'm not frowning." I stated. "You better not be, otherwise you don't want to know what will happen?" "Are you threatening me?" I frowned. Scott tackled me and tickled my sides. "No! No... Stop it!" I laughed between words. "I told you not to frown." Scott said. "I'm smiling now! I promise!" Me and Scott were oblivious to Avi walking into the stage area. "What's going on?" We looked at him and he grinned. Scott ran his hand through his hair and got up. "Nothing." He laughed. I fixed my hair and laughed. "I wasn't smiling so he forced me to." "Speaking of being forced to, want to go to dinner with me and the boys? Lauren is coming too, she already said yes and suggested we ask you." "I mean if you  don't mind, sure." Avi smiled and hummed to the backstage fridge. "Why isn't Kirstie coming?" I asked. "She told us she was busy. We have to respect that and believe her. Even though its unlikely..." Scott trailed off when Kirstie came in. "I heard my name." She walked up to me and held out her hand. "Hey, I'm Kirstie, sorry about before. I'm sure you felt awkward back there." I took her hand and shook it. She gave me a perfect white grin and I became jealous. My teeth were never that white. She was pretty too. Her brunette hair curled at the end and she had a marvelous smile. Lauren grabbed my arm and squealed, "Lets go get ready!" She pulled me away and I waved back to the group. "See you guys later!"

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