Chapter 12

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Dani's P.O.V.

It was early morning. I groaned and sat up in my bed. I stared at my alarm clock for about 3 minutes, it said, 6:31 am. I changed into a white sweater and black leggings. It was a bad idea. I was too messy for white. I opened my door and walked out into the kitchen. Scott and Mitch were quietly talking and didn't notice me. I poured milk and cereal into a bowl and ate, watching them out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey Dani." Mitch greeted me awkwardly. "Yeah?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Just wanted to say hi."

"Oh, well... um hi then." The air around us got tense. Scott didn't say anything to me, I started to feel like this was about last night. But I wouldn't bring it up in front of Mitch. 

"We need to go film Superfruit." Scott said quickly to Mitch. Mitch got up without question and I watched Mitch go. Scott awkwardly stood up and followed, my eyes staring into his back as he left.

Scott's P.O.V.

There was no excuse for how awkward that was. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, and I didn't want to be trifled with. "You okay? She looked pretty sad back there."

"She'll be fine." Mitch rolled his eyes and grabbed cans of food, groaning. "This will be disgusting." He commented. I nodded absentmindedly. I started the camera and welcomed everyone.


"You're not being yourself today." Mitch said to me. The camera was still rolling, but we would edit this out later. "She asked me out last night. I said I was going to sleep on it. This morning she was expecting the answer. I honestly don't think I should do this. Just for the sake of our relationship. But if I say no she'll be offended and think she's worthless to me..." I sighed and buried my head in my hands. "I like her. Alot. You have no idea how much, it's just... Avi damaged her. She won't be the same Danielle. She'll never be the same." Mitch gasped dramatically, "She's not damaged goods! I've seen the way she looks at you. She's in love with you. I did just say the l word because that's how much I believe it." I rolled my eyes. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of dark hair. I ignored it though, too worried to think about who it was. Probably Kirstie.

Dani's P.O.V.

I scrolled through the music on Scott's MP3. I was looking for a specific song. Something slow but nice to listen to. I came across Little Drummer Boy and plugged my earbuds in.

As I twirled around the house quietly humming and maybe even singing along, Scott came out of his recording room and noticed me. He gave a small grin. He wrapped his arms around my waist and slowly danced around the room with me. I put one earbud in his ear and gave a small smile back to him. His small meek smile became a wide grin. "Par um ba bum bum.." he hummed loud enough for me to hear. 

"Come, they told me par um ba bum bum!" I sang. He chuckled and pulled me closer to him as the song switched to Valentine. My arms rested against his back and I tucked my head into his neck as Mitch's slow singing soothed me into the dance. No one spoke. When Mitch entered the room, he smiled and grabbed an orange and trotted back to the recording room. "Has anyone ever told you you have the most amazing singing voice?" I whispered to Scott. He nodded and kissed my forehead. "It could make me fall asleep... maybe even Mitch's..." I found myself yawning. The song switched to Love Again and I bit my lip. Scott tensed up and he started to pull away. "No. Don't." I whispered. He shoved me away from him, ripping the earbud out of my ear. I frowned as I heard the thrum of Kevin's throat bass, but that was all. Scott turned off his MP3 and chucked it into his room on his bed. "Scott..." I began. Avi slowly strutted into the room, giving me a sad glance. I let out an audible whimper and went to my room. I leaned out of the window, holding myself back with my hands on the edge of the windowsill. I could just let myself go, not be a burden to Pentatonix's life anymore. Let Avi and Scott live their normal lives. With only me in a vague memory.

The idea seemed more tempting the more I thought about it. Just one slip and that would be all... Instead I leaned back and fell onto the soft carpet. My body shook and I reached for my phone. I threw it away from me. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I hugged my knees to my chest and thought. My eyes closed and I let out a relaxing sigh. Blackness greeted me. I remembered Scott's soft voice in the song Valentine.


Scott was standing at my doorway, watching me. I pushed past him and headed for the Chardonnay. "What are you doing?" He grabbed my hand as I tried to pour the Chardonnay. "You don't feel the same for me, so I'm going to drink away my feelings and forget all of this." 

"But I don't want you to forget me. I do have feelings for you, but it's complicated..."

"Yes. It's complicated not wanting damaged goods. It's complicated not wanting your best friend's left overs. I get it Scott. You don't need to tell me anything." I grabbed the bottle of Chardonnay and began to pour. Scott grabbed the bottle from my shaking hands and looked me in the eye. "You're not Avi's leftovers. I don't even want to begin to describe how he makes me feel. Danielle, I want to be with you, but we only have weeks then I'm on my way." 

"Oh so that's what this is about then? You're afraid that when you're gone I'll cheat? Just like what Avi did? Do you not trust me?" He didn't answer, just glared at me. "What's a relationship without trust?" I quoted his own words, and his face fell. "Danielle..." I held my hand up and grabbed the bottle out of his hand. I walked back to my room and shut my door. I locked it as soon as I heard banging on the door. "Danielle! Come out of there!" I began to drink the bottle. I prayed I would forget this whole mess. I wanted to remember Scott's beautiful voice, and Avi's deep bass rhythm. "Why are you yelling?" Kirstie asked on the other side of the door. "Danielle's in there with our Chardonnay. She want to get drunk and forget this whole thing. She's going to get sick if she drinks the whole bottle!" Kirstie murmured something into her phone. "Lauren..." she began. "Don't call her!" I screamed. Kirstie paused and resumed. "Lauren, Dani is having a breakdown... I'll explain it to you when you get here." I groaned and fell back on the bed. The bottle of Chardonnay was on the bedside table, half empty.  I felt woozy, I struggled to regain my balance. I stumbled over to the door, I unlocked it, but I didn't announce it. "Danielle... I'm so sorry... please..." Scott's sweet voice went under the door and I whimpered. What am I doing to myself? Scott began to sing Run To You. With only one voice I listened to the pain behind the voice. I began to softly cry. Why can't he just love me until he leaves? Have a good time until I leave? He doesn't need me wherever he goes...

"Dani? Are you in there?" A soft voice interrupted Scott's singing. "It's unlocked." Avi came into the room and sat on my bed. "Dani... please don't do this to yourself." He draped his arm over me and held me close. "I wouldn't expect you to understand." I snapped. "Scott loves you."

"Don't you dare say he loves me when he obviously doesn't! It's a lie! I wouldn't be in here in the first place! God..." I shoved him away and hugged my chest. "Dani. Go out there and tell Scott how you feel." Hurt laced his words. "No! It's because of you he doesn't want to be with me! He thinks I'll get bored while he's gone and date someone else!"

"Danielle! I told you I was not in my right mind!" 

"I didn't listen. No one would listen to you! Ever!" He pushed me down against the mattress and left, making sure to slam the door. I glared at the door. It creaked open. "Danielle?" Scott slowly poked his head into the room. "What?" I snapped. He sat next to me on the bed. "It's too late to apologize." He grabbed my hands and held them to his chest. I felt his heartbeat and I sighed. "Don't say anything. Just close your eyes." I did, and felt his soft lips press against mine. I groaned and threw myself into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. He moved away from the bed for a second and I frowned. In a blind daze he locked the door and sat on the bed again, kissing me with more passion and force this time. He pushed me onto the mattress and hovered over me on his forearms. "Tell me to stop whenever." He whispered. He lowered his lips back down to mine and something snapped. 

I was no longer the girl who was afraid of being in love. I began to embrace it when Scott ran his hands along my body. He pulled my shirt off and I pulled his off too. We undressed eachother and our bodies collided with passion. 

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