Chapter 16

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Danielle's P.O.V.

Avi walked out of my room and I watched him go. Scott took his place. "What were you two doing?" Looks like someone is still jealous after 1 year... "We were just hugging." He nodded slowly, full of thought and I brushed my hair. "You dyed your hair." I commented. "So did you." A trail of light pink was on one side of my hair, I dyed it with Lauren, who dyed part of her hair a light turquoise.

"I like it. It's nice." I nodded. "Yours too. It's a different kind of blonde, but still blonde." I was just rambling on, trying to fill in the silence. Silence leads to thinking, thinking leads to messing up, messing up leads to regret. Our relationship was already awkward enough.

"The pink really brings out your eyes." I rocked back and forth on my heels. "Thanks." I responded awkwardly. Scott looked like he wanted to say more, but he kept his mouth shut. 

Scott's P.O.V.

When she had entered the house I froze. I noticed she did too. I hadn't seen her in a year... we released a song about her, and I'm sure the entire world knew that. She came in with Avi, so she was forced to come back. Her hair had a single pink strand, and it made her eyes pop. 

Now here she was, in my presence and I felt like I was absolutely intruding. I commented on her hair to break the ice, but she responded about my hair. We were going round and round in an awkward merry-go-round. "Well... just call if you need anything from me." I began to walk out the door. She grasped my hand. "Wait, Scott." Her eyes widened. I could tell she didn't mean to touch my hand. "Yeah?"

Please don't say what I think you're going to say... "Can we all just start over on a clean slate? I'd appreciate it." She was asking me to forget all we've been through. I didn't think I could do that. "I don't know... there's so much I want to remember..." The corners of my mouth tipped up. She bit her lip while staring at me. "Sexual tension." I mumbled under my breath, and I walked out, ripping my hand out of hers.

Danielle's P.O.V.

What just happened? He mumbled something under his breath then left. All I asked is if we could start over and be friends. Two could play at this game.

I went to find Avi. He confused me earlier and I didn't like how it felt. It felt very dirty. I bumped into Mitch while going up the stairs. I gave him a reassuring glance as I walked up. "Already getting used to the place? I can tell." He might as well slapped me and said, "Starting more drama?" He passed me and I shrugged, even though he couldn't see me. I heard his deep voice from under the doorway. Why couldn't I hear him earlier?

"So will you never be my lover or my valentine never..." He sang it as high as he did in Little Drummer Boy. He continued and I cracked the door open. He was lounging on the corner of his bed listening to the music and singing along. I watched his face expressions. Soon I was in front of him, sitting on the floor in front of him as his eyes were closed. He stopped when the song switched to Carol of the Bells. He sang his part, and I heard the other melodic voices in my head. Kirstie was looking into the room, giving me a small smile. She mouthed something, "2-13-14" I mentally slapped myself. Tomorrow was Valentine's Day. Avi's singing cut off. I looked at him. His eyes were open, and wide. 

He ripped the ear buds out of his ears and smiled at me. He ran his fingers through his hair and pulled a grey beanie over it. "Hey there. Enjoying the show I presume?" I gave him a small smile. "You bet." He gestured for me to sit beside him on his bed. My heart began to race. Things got awkward fast.

My conscience screamed at me it was a bad idea. But I was rejected and I felt rebellious for a 23 year old. I plopped down next to him, and looked at him expectantly. I heard snickers and a slow exhale from the hallway. Someone hit someone's shoulder. "Ow!" Scott hissed quietly. "Get over it, you had your chance back there." I sighed and I got up. I pushed past the peeping members and went to my room. 

Damn, less than an hour and there was already a feud. I barely heard Avi's shouts. "Come on guys. She just got here and already she has to retreat to her room! You should know better." There were some footsteps on the stairs, then Scott's voice sounded, "What do you think you're doing?"

"What do you think? I'm going to apologize for YOUR behavior. She's back becaused I asked her to come back. Not to just start another rivalry between us. We know how that ended last time." His voice was getting nearer and nearer. I sat on the windowsill.

The cold winter air bit my skin and the air smelled like roses. No doubt couples were bringing roses to eachother. It was warm in sunny California, but in the winter it was still cold enough to make you want a jacket. "I'm sorry about those guys." He whispered. "It's alright... it's just I don't want it to be like last time... all this frustration and fighting. I don't want that." He sat next to me and draped a blanket over my shoulders. "Thanks." 

"Don't mention it. You were cold." We sat in silence. "Why do you think Scott likes me so much. I mean... He claimed something was special about me. What do you think? This is just friend to friend, I'm not coming onto you." He chuckled. "So many things to list off my dear friend." He thought. "If you want me to be really mushy in time for Valentine's Day, then here you go: When we went out, you made me so unbelievably happy, I felt like we could be together for awhile. Your laugh... oh... it gave me goosebumps, and your morning voice was sexy... also... " 

In the corner of my mind I was still listening, but I was focusing on his face. His eyes lit up when he talked about me, it made my heart thump faster. The words rolled off his tongue as if they were perfectly planned out, as if he had a script in front of him. He trailed off suddenly and faced me. His green eyes were so mesmerizing... no wonder everyone wanted him to get an instagram... 

He leaned forward, brushing his fingers along my jawline, biting his lip as his gazed flickered from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes. I found myself following his movements, and soon our lips collided. I could tell I would regret this later. Scott burst through the door as if he knew we were kissing. I lost my grip on the window and plummeted forward. Avi tried to catch me, but ended up falling too. He positioned his body under mine so he would take the impact, and at the last moment I managed to slip my hands under his head to avoid him getting a cracked skull from the concrete below.

We hit the ground hard and Avi groaned. My knuckles had blood seeping out of the cuts and they were numb. I let out a slight whimper when someone picked me up off the ground. "Avi..." I groaned. "He's fine." I kicked my sore legs. "No! I'm not important! Make sure he's okay!" I managed to get out of the person's arms and I crawled over to Avi. I cradled his head in my lap. He was still moving, and his eyes were still open. "Avi? Can you hear me?" 

"Yeah. Nice thinking... placing your hands under my head... but it hurts still... I can imagine your knuckles feel worse..." He coughed and I sat him upright. "Thanks..." His eyes drifted shut. I carried/dragged him to my bedroom and locked the door. I placed him in my bed and laid next to him, tracing patterns on his chest.

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