Chapter Eight

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A/N: I'm writing part of this chapter on my kindle so disregard any spelling errors and stuff. I'll try to edit it later.

Avi was stroking my hair when I woke up. His bare chest was pressed against me, but I felt the warmth was seeping through. I noticed it seemed a lot brighter than usual. His green-blue eyes were staring at me, wide and awake. "We have to go to the studio. Want to come with us?" I stretched out, and nodded. "Yeah. That'll be nice." He cupped my face and gave me a light kiss. "Get up. Come on, the guys are outside. You can go get dressed." I nodded and jumped out of his bed. "Be out soon!" I yelled behind me. I went down the stairs quickly. "Dani?" Scott's voice sounded behind me. Just keep going... ignore him. "Dani! Wait!" I turned into my room and slammed the door into his face. "Come on, Dani! I just want to talk!" I grabbed a shirt and a leather jacket and grabbed skinny jeans. I put them on and slipped on socks and boots. I smoothed my bangs down and opened my door. I stuffed my phone in my back pocket and stepped out. Scott was in the living room texting. "I need to talk to you." He didn't look up from his phone. "Scott, you told me how you felt, so I accepted it. You didn't give me a chance to voice how I felt, so that's final I guess." I pushed past him and he followed me out the door. "You don't understand." "There's nothing to understand. We're not talking right now." I got into Avi's car and shut my door before Scott could get in. "What's wrong?" Avi's voice sounded behind me and I jumped. "Oh god! Nothing! You just scared me!" I rubbed the top of my head. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, yeah, why are you asking so many questions?" "I'm just curious. Scott's not bothering you is he? We'll tell him to back off if you want us to." "No no, it's fine. I can handle Scott." Avi nodded, but turned towards the wheel. He drove towards their studio, me just looking at the view.

     We got to the studio, and all I did was trail behind everyone, just looking around. I occasionally glanced at Avi, who was focused in his work. I sighed, even though I felt like I was ignored, I should feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I felt very clingy. But isn't that what happens at the beginning of relationships? I followed them into a studio room and stood outside the booth, with the producers. I let them do their thing, occasionally tapping or humming to the song. When they performed Love Again, a huge smile broke out on my face. I began to fangirl in my head. My favorite song by them! MY FAVORITE SONG! In my head I was jumping around excitedly, but on the outside I was trying to stay as still as possible. Occasionally Scott would focus on me, and it annoyed me. When he stared at me it got to me. I pulled out my phone and texted Lauren. 

Me: I need to talk to you. Right now perferably.

Lauren: Yeah, okay. Give me about 30 minutes.

Me: No Lauren. I need to-

      Before I finished my text Avi's soloish part came on and my head jerked up. His eyes were trained on me and he was smiling. I felt myself grinning back like an idiot. We were sharing a moment in front of the whole band. We didn't care if anyone noticed. Mitch did though, and slapped Avi on the back. My face turned red. Scott noticed Avi and I and left the recording studio quietly. Everyone stared at his back as he left. Everyone was dumbfounded by what he did. I knew what he wanted to talk about. I sighed and followed him out. "Scott, you can't just make a big deal like that." "What the hell? I thought there was something between us," he paused, "did I ruin our chances?" He looked me in the eye and I stared back. "Scott, I'm not sure there actually ever was --" "No, don't tell me you didn't feel the sparks. You told me that night... that night Avi told you his feelings." He shot a glare towards the door and there Avi was, standing there, shocked and looking completely innocent. "Scott, it's not his fault! You will not cause drama in the band just because of us! That's not how this should work!" Scott kept glaring though, and Avi didn't look like he wanted to leave. "Are you even listening to me?" "Avi, just give us a minute." His voice was quiet I barely heard it. And I was standing next to him. Avi nodded and silently left. The door closed behind him and Scott gave me a hug. "I'm so sorry. So sorry Dani... I don't... I don't even know." He pulled back and looked at me like he did the first night we kissed. "If I do something, promise not to hate me no matter how much you hate it." He uttered the words and I tried to pull out of his grasp. But every chance I tried to get away, he closed the distance. He brought his lips to mine again, and I surrendered. It felt like kissing a long lost lover you haven't kissed in a long time. I hated to do this to Avi. "Scott..." I whispered. "Don't ruin it with your logic. Trust me. You want this too." "Scott. I'm with Avi. I can't do this. I can't cheat." "Just for me?" I put my hand on his chest and pushed with alot of force. "No! Scott, I can't do this! Can't we just be friends?" He rolled his eyes, "Whatever. He'll do something to you to scare you off and you'll come running to me. That's how it's always been." I sighed and walked back to the recording studio. Avi burst up from his chair. "Are you okay? What'd he do?" Kirstie, Mitch, and Kevin were in the recording booth still, giving us worried glances. "Nothing you have to be worried about. Trust me..." I smiled and hugged him. "Alright." He whispered. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Scott scowling at us. Hurt glazed his eyes. 'I'm sorry.' I mouthed. 

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