Chapter Three

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So I haven't gotten any comments about spelling errors or anything like that, but I just want to say, if you spot one, know that I didn't mean to spell it incorrectly... even if it is a silly word like 'here' meaning to be 'hear'. When I get caught up in a story and words flow onto my page, I just get so caught up in the moment where I need to get it down before I forget. Thank you for sticking with me so long (Three chapters lol) and I appreciate you taking the time to read this. I'll try to update often, but understand I can't always come and write. Creativity takes time! :)

A car honking a horn brought me up from my pathetic stance. I opened the door and slumped throughout the halls til I came to the lobby. I saw Scott there and he flashed me a smile, then took it back once he saw me. I didn't know what I looked like, but I'm sure it was horrible. "Dani, are you okay? Have you been crying?" He saw right through me. "I'm fine, where's Lauren?" I asked, dodging his question. "She's in the car. Let me go get her..." He turned before I could protest and I attempted to smooth down my hair. Scott came back with Lauren on his heels, and I understood right away. She overdosed on her medication again. "I know what's wrong with her. I got this." I took Lauren's hand and led her towards our dorm. Over my shoulder I smiled at Scott and yelled, "Goodnight Scott!" He flashed a grin and walked away towards his car. I led Lauren into our room and helped her change. I closed the window. She flopped down on her bed and went to sleep. I sighed at her and hid her pill medications. I changed into my pajamas and laid down too, and turned off the light.

Lauren's P.O.V. (Short)

I woke up with another headache. I groaned and swung my legs out of my bed and looked for my pills. One more wouldn't hurt... They were in the medicine cabinet and I grabbed the bottle and poured them into my hand. Yes... one more handful wouldn't hurt at all... I poured them one after the other into my mouth and took a drink with each one. When I was satisfied I went back to bed and smiled in my sleep... my headache was already fading...

Danielle's P.O.V.

I woke up with a start. Someone was screaming. I covered my ears and looked around the room. I switched on the light and looked at Lauren. Tears streamed down her face and a bloody razor was in her hands. She was screaming in pain and I froze in horror. Alexandra, a lady from across the hall burst into the room, took one look, and was calling 911 in a matter of seconds. The sight in front of me was horrific. The blood from her arms was streaming down and splattering on the floor and her bed. She was still screaming, but everything was silent to me. My eyes seemed to zoom in on the open pill bottle on the counter. "She overdosed..." I said, and the sound came rushing back to me, snapping me out of it. "She overdosed!" I screamed at Alex and she yelled that into her phone and the sounds of ambulances came in a matter of minutes. Lauren screamed louder and grabbed the blade. She ran the blade across her collarbone and circled over her heart. She groaned and slumped against the headboard, she didn't move. "She's not moving!" Alex yelled at the paramedics. They carried her out of her bed and into the ambulance. I stared at the bloodied bed, half of the white sheets stained with an ugly red. I got out of the bed. One of the paramedics rushed over to me. "Miss, you have to come with us. You might be in shock..." He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the ambulance. I closed my eyes as they put me in the same area as Lauren.

Avi's P.O.V. (short)

My phone was going off. I groaned and rubbed my eyes and saw that Dani was calling me. "Hello?" My cheeks flushed when I remembered what we almost did last night. "What is your relationship to Danielle Grimsley?" "Uhh... I'm her friend... who is this?" "Danielle Grimsley is recovering from shock. She woke up to Lauren with a blade in her hand and blood was all over her body. We need to provide some transportation for her, and you're the only one who bothered to pick up." This was obviously a doctor. "Yeah, I'll be over there soon." I got out of bed and rushed to put on my jeans as quickly as I could. The phone was tucked into my shoulder as I pulled them over my hips. "Thank you." The line went dead. I pulled on a T-shirt and jacket and ran into Scott's room. "Wake up!" I boomed. Scott started, but saw it was me. "Why are you waking me up at 3 a.m.?" "Lauren and Dani are in the hospital. I'm going to pick up Dani." Scott's eyes widened, but he nodded. "I'll be here if you need something. I'll keep my phone on." I ran out of his room and pulled on random socks and shoes. I grabbed my car keys and drove towards the hospital without going over the speed limit, but I was restless. I wanted to know if she was okay.

Dani's P.O.V.

"Avi Kaplan, transportation for Danielle Grimsley. Someone called me about her being in shock..." His voice was on the other side of the door. I longed to go to him, to just hug him until it was okay again. "Right down the hall. Room 162." Avi's footsteps echoed in the hall. I looked at the door expectantly and waited for him to burst into the door. When he finally did I dashed into his arms and cried. It was a pathetic move on my part, but he held me tight and I tucked my face into his shoulder. "I'm a mess." I sobbed. He rubbed my back comfortly. "I would be too..." He confessed. We stayed there for a few minutes until I finally pulled away. "I'm sorry about your jacket." I wiped my tears away. "Don't worry about it." "You didn't want to be there... it was horrible... the smell of blood in the air... the screams." I cringed at the memory. He gave me a weak smile. "It's all over. Forget the smell..." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap when he sat down in a chair. He sang to me in a low voice and I let myself relax. To be lulled into a peaceful sleep... but it was anything but peaceful. I kept jerking awake and looking for Avi, but he was always holding me, staring into my eyes. "You're safe." He'd tell me. His phone went off and he shifted so he could grab it out of his pocket. "Scott said Lauren would be stuck in a hospital bed for awhile then put into rehab right away, so we picked another winner. Since we drew you for second place, you are automatically the winner. Congratulations." He whispered. He kissed my forehead and sparks flew throughout my body. Excitement flooded me and I forgot all about Lauren, and how she would be in rehab. All I was focused on was Avi now. The bearer of good news, the one I really was falling for. "Really?" I whispered. He nodded. I smiled. "That's good news..." I trailed off, yawning. "Try to sleep. It'll be all right when the morning comes." (A/N: Quoting Daughtry right there! Fist pump!) I nodded and snuggled into his chest. He held me tighter and I felt warm and safe. I fell asleep and only dreamed of Avi.

We were bathed in moonlight. We were on some sort of balcony. He turned towards me with a dazzling smile. "The view is nice." I said. I didn't know what else I should say. "It certainly is." He said, gesturing to me. I cracked a smile and he pulled me close. "I've never been happier than right now." He whispered into my ear. I twirled my fingers in his hair. "Avi..." I said, he looked at me through his curly bangs. "Yes?" He kissed under my jaw and down my neck. "Don't stop." I decided to say. He gave a low chuckle. "Don't worry. I won't." He brought his lips to mine for a heartwarming kiss, forgetting about all the worries in the world.

Sorry for the short chapter. I need some sleep but I also wanted to upload this. I liked making this creepy chapter. Hope you enjoyed!

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