Chapter 4.5

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Dani's P.O.V.

     We were in and out of my dorm as fast as we could've been. I didn't want to look at the scene, no matter how pathetic I seemed. My suitcase trailed behind me, and somewhere in my head it sounded like someone was playing dramatic sad music. I didn't look behind me, just got into the backseat of Avi's car and watched the landscape blur by. 

----------------------------------------------------------------- 25 minutes later -------------------------------------------------

     Someone was shaking my shoulder. "Yeah?" I muttered groggily. "We're here." Scott's breath tickled my face. He was really close. "Mmm...okay." I opened my eyes to stare into his blue eyes. He equally stared back. I kept trying to convince myself I was waiting for him to move. But he seemed to convince me of the opposite. I had baggage. He didn't want me. Someone cleared thier throat and Scott thankfully back away in a daze. "Huh?" I got out of the car and stumbled over everything including flat ground to the trunk. It was like I was drunk. I grabbed my suitcase and stared expectantly at the two boys in front of me. "Where am I staying?" Avi gestured me inside.

Mitch's P.O.V.

     "I hope she likes the color blue!" I squealed. After the incident with Danielle we decided to fix up her room. She told us at the beginning of the meal we had earlier she HATED pink with a passion. So we went with blue. Our next option was purple but... 

     Kirstie was prancing around the room hanging up posters of us and some famous movies. She fixed the one-of-a-kind leopard blue comforter and smoothed it out. She gave a deep sigh and looked at me. "So how does it look? Would you sleep in here?" "Absolutely!" Kevin rolled his eyes. "Would you?" She asked Kevin. He shook his head no and walked out of the room. "We did our jobs." She confirmed and she skipped out to the living room. Dani had arrived.

Avi's P.O.V. 

     Dani walked into the house. I could tell she was nervous. Her breaths were becoming short and her hand was quivering. "I'm so excited..." She repeated under her breath. I opened the door for her and stepped aside to let her in. I gave her a reassuring smile and she stepped in with a shaky breath. "Hey Dani!" All 3 of them crowded around her and hugged her. When Mitch was the last one to pull away she had a huge smile on her face. "Come see your room!" Kirstie grinned. She took her hand and led her towards the room. Would she like it? I followed them and Dani walked into the room, taking it all in. "I love it..." she whispered. She faced me. She gave me a huge smile and began to laugh. She hugged me and I stood there, frozen and shocked by her gesture. I didn't expect that...

A/N: Hey guys! Long time no write! I'll be uploading small chapters until I figure out where this story will lead. I know it's still in the beginning, but still, I want this to lead to something, not just a romantic plot where all they do is cuddle and stuff. Anywho... tell me who you guys are for: Scott or Avi? Or maybe you prefer Mitch? I need to know soon... ~Snowelf02

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