Chapter Nine

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    "We won't wait for you forever Dani. You need to choose. Me or Scott?" "I just need more time!" I exclaimed, clutching Avi's arms. "You don't have any more time. I'm sorry Dani. We never meant for you to have to choose." He brushed my hands off his arms and he looked at me. "My worst fear is not finding the right girl. I don't think you're the right girl if you can't choose me right away." I remember when he said that in an interview. "Avi! Don't go!" Avi was gone, replaced by Scott. Why couldn't he have came to me first? I wouldn't hate him so much right now. "God! Scott! Why? Why me? You could have Kirstie or any girl possible. Why do you want me so bad?" "Because. You're special and different."

    I woke up feeling way too warm. Avi was next to me, snoring softly. For the past few days, it was no rumor Avi and I were now sleeping in the still room. Scott was pissed off about it, and has been keeping his distance. Wise man. I ran my fingers through his hair and looked at his features. He seemed so small while he was sleeping. "Dani?" his morning voice broke through my thoughts. "Yeah. I'm awake." I sighed. He sat up and pulled me into his arms. "What's wrong?" "Nothing. I just woke up. I think I'm just too sweaty." I ran my palms on my sweatpants. "Want me to crack a window?" His gaze assessed me as if something was about to happen. "If you want to, if not I'll go to my room and sit on the sil for awhile." He silently put on a shirt and pulled me into his arms. He carried me bridal style down the stairs into my bedroom and slid open the window. He sat me down on the window and I balanced until he sat there, then I leaned against him. "This feels nice." I smelled the sweet scent of Avi's cologne fading away. I felt the breeze against my skin and I relaxed into his arms. He kissed the top of my head and ran his thumb along my palm. "This is really nice." He smiled and held me tighter. "I'm not the kind of person to say this in a matter of days, but I really like you. Maybe even more... if you get what I'm hinting at." He said awkwardly. "I do. I feel the same." I smiled. He kissed my forehead and I sighed. I felt my eyes begin to slip closed. "I'm falling asleep again. We might want to go back..." I yawned. He scooped me up and somehow brought me back to his room. "Goodnight Dani." He stroked my cheek and I held his hand as my eyes closed.


I woke up to a cold bed. I wanted Avi back, I wanted his warmth. Beside me on the bedside table, was a note that said:

        Dear Dani,

Mitch and Kirstie went to the mall and I'm going to the coffeeshop for awhile. If you want to join me later, go ahead. I won't be expecting you, but I will be down here for awhile. I didn't get to say this to you last night. I'm not the type of guy who says I love you on the first date. I figured I would tell you now, because I am more cofident then ever. I love you so much.


      The note made me smile. How could I not love him back after all he did? I decided I was going to surprise him, then take him to lunch. I threw on some clothes and pulled on boots. Scott perked up at the sound of me coming out of my room. "Hey Dani." "Uh, hi Scott!" I looked at him suspiciously. He usually didn't talk to me. "Where you going?" "I'm going to the coffeehouse for a drink." "Avi's there." He frowned at me. I nodded. "I'm just going to pay him a visit." I grabbed my purse and walked out the door, yelling behind me, "Later Scott!" I got into the car they rented me and drove to coffeehouse. 

     I saw Avi's car and I parked beside it. I jogged towards the door and opened it. I looked for Avi. I tapped a waitress's shoulder, "Do you know a man named Avi Kaplan? We were supposed to meet here..." "Oh... uh... he's busy with his girlfriend." She gestured towards a table in the corner, it seemed to suddenly appear there. I looked to where she was pointing and I sucked back a gasp. Avi was making out with a waitress in the booth, completely oblivious to me. "Tell him I was here... just..." I turned on my heel and walked out. I trotted back to my car and went back to the house. Why? Why was Avi with that girl? Why did Avi tell me he loved me then turn around and do... that?

     I pulled into the driveway and took a deep breath. I opened the car door and went inside. Scott looked up from his phone and stared at me, "Where is Avi?" He got up when my lip started to quiver. I went into his arms and hugged him. "I'm sorry." I don't know why I was apologizing. "Why? Dani what happened?" "I don't want to talk about it." "Okay." He rubbed my back. "Let me take you out to lunch, just to make you forget about it." "I'm not hungry." "Then let me take you to dinner later. Why don't we watch a movie?" I nodded. 

     We decided to watch Insidious. It was scary for my personal tastes, but Scott claimed he loved this movie. I just went on with it. At one part I jumped and smacked Scott with my hand on accident. "I'm sorry!" I yelled as he clutched his face. "Quite an arm you got there. I'll need to remember that. It's fine." He laughed at me and I turned back to the movie, smiling like an idiot. At the end of the movie, I was better off than I thought I would be. "It was a good movie." I told Scott. "It's probably one of my most favorite horror movies. It's just... yeah." I looked at the clock. 5:34pm. "You hungry?" "Yeah. Let me go get dressed." "Wear something casual formal. Kind of like what you wore that one night we first met you." He smiled at me, remembering that night. "Alright." I gave him a quick side hug and jogged to my bedroom. I put on a black blouse and a white pencil skirt. I decided to just wear wedges and I teased my bangs. For my makeup I went for a natural look, but added a smokey eye and a light pink lip stick. I hoped I wasn't too overdressed. I opened the door after putting on some perfume. Scott was adjusting his black button up while wearing tan pants that resembled skinny jeans. He wore basketball shoes, and I smiled. He rolled up his sleeves then looked towards my room. I offered a slight smile, and he gestured towards the door. "We kind of match. If I had white pants." He smiled. He opened my door to the passenger side, then slid into the driver's seat and started the car. "What are you in the mood for?" "How about Olive Garden?" "Sure thing." He started to drive.

     The restaurant was almost empty, which was rare for Olive Garden in general. "After you." Scott held the door open for me and ushered me in. "Booth for two." The host nodded and took us to our seats. "Can I get you started off with some drinks?" "Can we have some Chardonnay? Both of us." Scott told the waiter. I had to admit, I never had Chardonnay before, but I had champagne. "Can I see some ID from both of you?" "Uhh... yeah." I grabbed my wallet out of my small purse and showed her my driver's license. She checked Scott's, then nodded. She left to go get the drinks. "Chardonnay?" I asked as we sat down. "Kind of fancy don't you think?" "If you know me, you'll know I'm only fancy when I want to be. I figured you're worth it right now." He gave me a flirty smile.

Scott's P.O.V.

     If I told you Danielle didn't look stunning, I'd be lying. My crush on her was getting more intense each time I saw her in her little outfits. She looked amazing and cute. I wanted her for myself. I had trusted Avi with her, but something happened. Poor thing wouldn't even tell me what happened. Must have been traumatizing. A different waitress came back with our Chardonnay, and immediately I thought of the cliche, Watch her be a jerk to Danielle but a princess to me. Instead, the waitress was really nice and I was impressed. We ordered our food and me and Danielle started a convorsation. "Scott... about the time in the studio..." "Don't bring that up. I was acting out of pure stupidity. I was jealous Danielle." She nodded. I kissed her cheek, she was sitting next to me. "I'm sorry about that though." Dani smiled. "Don't be. I enjoyed that kiss actually." I smiled at her. 

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