Chapter 17

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 Avi' s voice wakes me up. "Dani?"  I nod at him. "Yeah?" 

"What happened?" 

"We fell out of the window. My knuckles are scarred, and your body will be sore for a few days. You need to stay still." I brushed my hand across his. He held my hand up to his face and looked at my bloodied knuckles. "Did you save my head? What a wonderful way to almost die. Falling out of a window."

"Don't worry about it. Trust me when I say it wasn't instincts, I really wanted to keep you around for a little while anyways." 

"I'm glad you spared me. Even if it was only to keep me around for a few days." He smiled. I laughed and his laughter rumbled throughout his chest. He made an effort to move me to my side so he could spoon me. "You can't move. Mitch would kill me if you hurt yourself further." I gingerly turned his body towards me and I faced him. His face was distorted in pain. "I'm sorry... was I too rough?" He chuckled. "That's what he said!" I held back the temptation to slap him. "If you weren't hurt, I would so slap you for that." 

"I have my needs. You drive me insane too." He reached over my waist and pulled me closer to him. My midsection was pressed against his chest. Even though it hurt him, he bit back his pain. I didn't want to move in fear I'd push him too far. "Avi. We can't, you're hurt." 

"Promise me when I'm better we'll try." He whispered roughly into my ear. I nodded, and rested my head against his chest.


His breathing deepened and he was fast asleep. His arms were wrapped around me. Mitch poked his head into the room and smiled. "How is he?"

"He's doing good. He only moved once or twice, but otherwise he'll be fine in 3 days." 

"Love makes people do stupid things. I think you've demonstrated that."

"How? Do you know how hard it is to go between two people you love? They are band mates, I had to leave so I wouldn't ruin their friendship." Avi suddenly jerked. "Mitch leave her alone. She's only doing good." I could feel the feud spiralling again. I tore myself out of Avi' s arms and sat on the edge of the bed. "No, he's right." I got up and went into the living room despite Avi' s protesting. "God damn it Mitch... we were perfectly fine until you spoke up." I sat on the couch and leaned against the arm rest. "Wanna film Superfruit with Mitch and I?" Scott jumped onto the couch next to me. "Yeah. Let's do it." He pulled me up and took me into the room with a camera facing the couch. "You'll sit in between us when we cue you." Mitch plopped down on the other side of Scott and turned the camera on. "Welcome to Superfruit the internet's best show ever!" Mitch began. "Today we have a special guest with us, here's Danielle!" They gave me a round  of applause and I sat in the middle of them. "So today we'll be doing a Q and A." Mitch read off a few questions, some were goofy, while some were serious. "When you guys recorded Say Something, there was so much emotion in the song  and in the video, were you guys thinking of someone during filming to produce the longing faces?" 

"I was actually, a few days before the shoot, one of my friends left without telling anyone, but we didn't know where she went, and it made me kind of sad..." I breathed in and out slowly. Mitch gave his answer and they decided to end it there.

We blew kisses to the camera and sang "Goodbye!" And cut the footage off. "Your fans are crazy." 

"They are, but we love them." Avi was leaning in the doorway awkwardly. I bounced up and stared him down. "Why are you up? You should be laying down!" He shook his head, occasionally glancing at Scott. "Avi go lay down. Come on." I took his hand as he limped to his room. "I was worried. I'm sorry." He laid down on his bed and watched me as he drifted off again. I just stroked his soft hair and watched him, being his guardian. 

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