Chapter Seven

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We went to the park and was in complete silence except for when his fans came around. I was ignored, but it didn't matter. We were thinking, something not good. What happened in the bathroom scarred us both mentally. Avi would occasionally ask me a question, and I would answer. That's all the interaction we did that day.

Avi drove me back to the house and mumbled a quiet, "goodnight." I nodded and told him goodnight and shoved on some random pajamas. There were bruises from the encounter in the bathroom. The boy basically dug his nails into my skin. I shivered as I thought of what happened after Avi found us. I walked into the hallway and saw Scott sitting on the couch in the dark. He looked up from his MP3 and saw me. He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it for some reason. I sighed and walked upstairs to Avi's room. I knocked on the door. "Yeah?" A deep voice flowed under the door. "It's me. Danielle." He opened the door and I saw him. His hair was curly and matted down. He wore only shorts, his chest bare to me. "What?" He asked. "I wanted to tell you thank you." I said slowly. He nodded. I gave him a hug, and slowly he hugged me back. "You're welcome. I'm sorry about... after." "I'm not scared of you Avi. I'd be toast if you weren't there to save me." He sighed and his chest shook like he was about to cry. I looked up and his eyes watered. "No, no Avi! Why are you crying?" I brushed his tears away. "I should be the one crying." He laughed slightly. I brushed my fingertips over his lips and I felt little tingles from the contact. He jerked away at first, "Did you feel that?" he asked me. I nodded. He smiled and I couldn't resist the temptation anymore. I kissed him.

His lips were soft as they moved against mine. No one spoke, we only broke away for kisses, but then dived back in. Scott wasn't in my head anymore. It was all Avi. My fingers twirled his curled up ends and I marvelled at how soft they were. "I made my decision." I whispered. He looked down at me and waited for me to continue. "I like you. Like I really really like you. It's not just a fan obsession anymore. It's... it's something more." He smiled, showing his teeth and kissed me again. "Let's not tell anyone just yet... let's keep them guessing." His voice was deep and sounded sexy. "Are you tired? Maybe I should leave and let you get some sleep. Kirstie told me you were recording a song tomorrow. You need to get some rest." I pulled away and opened the door. Avi closed the door and grabbed my arm. "Stay here tonight. Just to keep me warm. I promise I'll be good." He winked at me. He pulled me into his arms and stepped back, me nearly falling with every step. "Alright Avi. Only if you are good. Nothing more than this though, got it?" He nodded and we collapsed on the bed. We faced each other and gave occasional smooches until his breathing deepened an his eyes closed. "You're so beautiful." He whispered to me before he fell asleep. I snuggled into his arms and fell asleep. For once, something made sense.

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