Prologue: 10 Years Ago

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Rachel's POV

"Sirius, where's Krestena?" I ask walking into our bedroom to see her on the bed with him as a dog. "It's her bedtime Padfoot, Remus says he'll be here tomorrow" I state picking up my daughter. As Sirius turned back into a human making Krestena clap and smile. Remus is Krestena's godfather and Lily Potter (nee Evans) is her godmother. Also Krestena loves hiding and only comes out for four people. Me, Sirius, Remus and Lily.

"Rachel please just a little while longer?" Sirius asks me pouting. He is my husband and first love, we have been together since school. We are both pure-bloods, except I am the last of my family. Because of Voldemort and his followers. Everyone thought Sirius and I were related, because of our dark brown hair and grey eyes. But we aren't related not even by marriage from our ancestors. 

"No, besides weren't you going to check on Peter?" I ask.

"Fine, I'll be back in an hour or so" he tells me and kisses me lightly on the lips. He then kissed Krestena on the head and says "you be good my little princess." Then leaves the house and hops onto his motorbike. I went to the nursery and took off Krestena's head band when I heard a door opening up downstairs.

"Time to play hide and seek Krestena, don't come out until your dad, uncle, aunt or I call" I tell my year old daughter. I place her on the ground and grab my wand leaving the room. "Did you forget something Sirius?" I ask when I reach the ground floor to see the front door wide open. "Sirius you know better then to leave the door open" I state shutting it and the lights went off.

"This isn't funny you'll scare Krestena" I growl in annoyance. But was met by a cold laugh and I turned around wand raised. "Show yourself coward" I snap. Then I saw someone I never wished to see; Fenrir Greyback. "How did you find us?" I snarled pointing my wand at his head.

"Where's the baby? If you hand her over then you will be spared" he asks.

"I'll never let you hurt my daughter, now get out" I order.

"You know your best friend should have been more careful at who she trusted" he says.

"Want do you mean? Want did you do to Lily?" I ask.

"Nothing, but I am sure she and her family are dead now. You know when the Dark Lord wants someone dead, they die eventually" he explains.

"No Peter is safe" I state and he smirked.

"Who do you think told the Dark Lord where the Potters are?" he asks. "Now this is your last chance, tell me where the baby is or I'll kill you now. Then find her myself" he states.

"I'd rather die" I state and I shout "Reducto!" Then run to the front door to have it blown open. Three more deatheaters enter the room wearing their masks and cloaks. "You'll never find her" I state and sent an emergency patronus to Remus.

"You stupid girl, Avada Kedarva" a cold voice states and I was hit the chest by a green light.

(no ones POV)

"Find that baby, we don't have long" Fenrir tells the others. They split up and he goes upstairs to the nursery. But when he got there he saw no baby or heard one. Little did he know that she was in the air ducts watching him silently. Suddenly aurors arrived with Remus and he went straight upstairs. He stunned Fenrir and he was taken away by the aurors while Remus stayed behind looking for his goddaughter.

"Krestena you are safe now come out" he says quietly. But she heard him and pushed the grate to the air duct aside. "So that's where you always hide, you clever girl" he says smiling as he holds her close. "Don't worry I'll always be here for you Krestena" he promises wrapping her in a blanket kissing her forehead.

The next few days were difficult and Sirius Black was sent to Azkaban for the murder of Peter Pettigrew along with 12 muggles. Remus won custody of Krestena with Dumbledore's help. An other family will look after her on full moons though. There was a funeral for the Potters and Rachel Black (nee Cullen). Krestena is not as loud as she used to be or as cheerful. But she is not depressed or refusing to eat and gets better everyday.


Picture above of Krestena and picture on the external link of Rachel.

Krestena Rachel Black: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now