Cup and Album

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Krestena's POV

I sat in between George and Hermione as Dumbledore announced the winner of the house cup. "In fourth place with 312 points Gryffindor, in third place Hufflepuff with 352  point, in second place with 426 points and in first place with 532 points Slytherin house" he states. There was clapping until he raised his hand saying "yes well done Slytherin, but recent events must be taken into account. As it is I have a few last minute points to award" he informs us.

"First to Miss Hermione Granger for a cool use of intellect when others were in grave peril I award her 50 points. To Mister Ronald Weasley for the best game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years 50 points. Thirdly to Krestena Black for bravery and loyalty when her friend was in danger even when she was injured 60 points. To Mister Harry Potter for pure nerve and outstanding courage I award him 60 points" Dumbledore explains.

"We're tied with Slytherin" Hermione and I tell the other Gryffindors.

"Lastly it takes a great deal of courage to stand up to you enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends. There fore I award ten points to Neville Longbottom" Dumbledore finishes. Neville disappeared as he was hugged by multiple Gryffindors and I was sandwich between the twins in a death hug. As the whole hall except Slytherin cheered.

"Assuming my calculations are correct I believe a change of decoration is in order" Dumbledore states and claps his hands. The Slytherin banners turned into Gryffindor one as Dumbledore announces "Gryffindor wins the house cup." The cheers grew even louder as I soon in a group hug with the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Minus Harry who was shaking everyones hands and getting slapped on the back. McGonagall was in tears as she received the house cup and shook hands with Snape.

(Hogsmeade station)

I spotted Hagrid as I was about to board the train with the others. "Come on Krestena" Hermione states.

"One minute" I tell her and Harry stops her from protesting as I walk over to Hagrid.

"Thought you were leaving without saying goodbye?" he asks and I give him a hug. "Got something for you, already gave Harry his" he states handing me a leather book. There was a picture of my parents on it holding a baby. "Got in contact with some of your parents old friends and colleagues. Your uncle can explain most of the picture" he explains.

"Thank you, this means a lot to me" I state opening to the first page. To see my parents with an other couple and baby me playing with an other baby, with black hair and green eyes. "Is that who I think it is?" I ask pointing at the baby.

"Yeah it is, your fathers were good friends and always visited each other. You and Harry were like brother & sister" Hagrid states. "Now off with you or you'll mess the train" he tells me and I give him one last hug. When I reached the train Harry pulled me in as it had started to move.

We found a compartment and I told them I was going to find Cedric. "Be back before we arrive at the station" I promise as I leave the compartment holding my album. I run into Draco on the way "hey cuz sorry for the lose" I tell him.

"Yeah well it'll be different next year with me on my Quidditch team" he states confidently.

"Think you can beat me cuz?" I ask smirking.

"I do and Dad was wandering if you'll come with us to Diagon Alley when our lists arrive" he states.

"I'll think about it and let you know" I tell him and he goes back to his compartment.

"Why were you talking to Malfoy?" Cedric asked from behind me.

"There you are I was looking for you and he is my cousin" I tell him smiling. "I just got a photo album from back when my mum was alive" I tell him in a whisper.

"Come with me" he states and leads me to an empty compartment. I then showed him the picture and we got to one of my Uncle Remus with a big black dog. "Who's that?" Cedric asks pointing at the dog.

"I think that's Snuffles, Hagrid told me Uncle Remus owned a dog called Snuffles in his final year at school. That the dog died" I explain looking at the picture.

"You know looking at these photos it's hard to believe your dead murdered all those people" Cedric states.

"I know, but there's no way to prove if he did or not as there was no trail" I tell him. He gave me a confused look. "My uncle told me they never gave my father a trail and sent him straight to Azkaban" I explain.

"That's awful everyone deserves a fair trail" Cedric states.

"I agree, but I have to get back to the others before we get to Kings Cross. Thanks for being so understanding and being here for me" I tell him. Cedric pulled me into a side hug saying 'what are friends for?' I returned to my compartment as the ten minute warning was sounded. I was glad I had my casual cloths under my robes and took them off.

"You'll stay in contact right Krestena?" Hermione asks.

"Of course you're all my best friends" I tell them smiling. "You'll write right Harry?" I ask him.

"Of course it'll be nice to have letters over the summer" Harry states.

"More then letters you are coming over to my house for the holidays" Ron promises.

"I'll also be coming over" I state and they all look confused. "What? Fred and George want to get a head start on pranks next year" I explain. "Also want to practice some Quidditch" I add. "Hermione do you think I could come over to your house? I ask.

"Sure, I'll ask my parents" she states smiling as we reached the station. I grabbed my trunk and Snowy's cage. We left the train and I was pulled into a hug by the twins before I could even search for my uncle. They dragged me over to a red haired woman who must be their mother.

"Mum this is Krestena" the state letting me go.

"Nice to met you Mrs Weasley" I say with a curtsy.

"Oh such a lovely girl, my sons speak highly of you" she says giving me a bone crushing hug. Now I see where they get it from I think to myself. "Where are your parents sweetie?" she asks pulling away.

"My mum died years ago and I don't know where my dad is, but my uncle should be around here somewhere" I tell her. She looked a little guilty at asking but I assured her no harm done. Then spotted my uncle "there's my uncle see you around Fred and George" I say waving goodbye. As I walked over to my uncle I saw Harry leaving with a big man with a mustache.

"Harry, see you next year" I say giving him a hug.

"Yeah see you after the holidays Krestena" Harry replies returning the hug.

"Hurry up boy" the man states annoyed.

"You're mean, hope to see you in Diagon Alley Harry" I say and leave. "I have so much to tell you Uncle" I state as I reach him.

"I'm sure you do Stormy" he says chuckling. We went home and I told him about my year. He then told me about some of the pictures in my album. Before we had dinner with the Tonks family who wanted to hear about my year as well. I gave them a shorter version before going to bed tired from the journey and story telling.

The End


Picture above of House Cup

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