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Krestena's POV

I had just come back from seeing my Uncle Moony, but a day after the other students. After I had placed my stuff and new presents in my dorm. When Hermione grabbed my arm and dragged me into the common room. Where Harry and Ron were waiting then we left Gryffindor Tower together. "Guys where are we going? Hermione can you stop dragging me?" I ask.

She stops and starts to explain the situation to me. "We found out who Nicholas Flamel is and what Fluffy is guarding. Hagrid told us to come see him tonight" Hermione finishes.

"Ok, now why does Harry have an invisibility cloak?" I ask in a whisper.

"It belonged to his father and he got on Christmas morning from an anonymous sender" Ron answers this time.

"An other question, why are we going to see Hagrid if we know what Fluffy is guarding?" I ask.

"Because we believe there are other things protecting the stone and that Snape is still after it" Harry explains.

"The Philosopher's stone?" I ask. The boys give me a confused look while Hermione nodded her head. "It was in the book Hermione and I borrowed for light reading" I clarify. They nod their heads and we get under Harry's invisibility cloak leaving the castle. We soon reached Hagrid's hut and he let us in.

I realized it was very hot and humid in his hut, more so then usual. Tuning out the conversation I looked around his hut. It was my first time inside it after all. But Hermione's voice brought me back to the matter at hand. "We only wondered who done the guarding really" she tells Hagrid.

"We wondered who Dumbledore trusted enough to help him, apart from you" I add smiling sweetly. Harry and Ron sent Hermione & I approving smiles. While Hagrid's chest seemed to swell with pride.

"I don't suppose there is any danger me telling you that" Hagrid begins. "He borrowed Fluffy from me, then had some teachers do enchantments" he states. Then starts to count them off as he named the teachers. Sprout, Flitwick, McGonagall, Quirrell and Dumbledore himself of course did something. Wait I've forgotten someone, Professor Snape" he finishes.

"You see Professor Snape can't be after the stone if he is one the teachers protecting it" I state matter of factly. "Besides I am sure Hagrid and Dumbledore are the only ones who know how to get past Fluffy, correct?" I ask.

"You're right not a soul knows how except for Dumbledore and I" Hagrid assures us.

"That's good, but Hagrid can we open a window or something?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, I'm boiling" I add and the others nod their heads in agreement.

"Sorry can't do that Harry, Krestena" Hagrid states looking at the fire. I went to have a closer look and nearly squealed in excitement. Running over for a better look at what was in the cauldron over the fire.

"Hagrid is it just me? Or is that a Norwegian Ridge-back dragon egg?" I ask.

"Yes it is, how'd you know?" he asks stoking the fire.

"I've always loved dragons, they're magnificent creatures and are really misunderstood" I explain. "When will it hatch?" I ask.

"I have been doing my research and it should be any day now" he states. "When he hatches I need to feed it brandy mixed with chicken blood every half hour" he explains looking at a book.

"Can I help please?" I ask as the others look at me as if I was crazy.

"Sure I'll send an owl when it hatches" Hagrid states. We then return to the castle afterwards under Harry's cloak. While I planned a trip to the library to learn more about Norwegian Ridge-backs.

(a few days later)

The letter finally came one morning that the egg was hatching and we are now back at Hagrid's hut. Just as the egg hatched on Hagrid's table while I stood next to Hermione. Hagrid named him Norbert, though I wasn't going to correct him saying Norbert was a girl . "Whose that?" Hagrid's voice brought me back to the present from patting the baby dragon.

We all turned to the window to see Draco Malfoy running towards the castle and I took off after him. "Draco wait!" I yell as we reach the castle entrance grabbing his arm. "Please don't tell cuz" I say looking into his eyes pleadingly.

He stopped and became thoughtful before smirking. I hated that smirk, he did it when ever he came up with some sort of plan. "Ok, I'll keep quiet if you get Dumbledore to switch you into Slytherin" he states. I froze and weighed up my options.

"I will, but on the weekend ok" I tell him hoping it was enough time to get rid of Norbert. Draco agreed to my term and we went our separate ways.

"Did you catch up to Malfoy?" Ron asks as I enter the common room. I nod my head sitting next to Harry on the couch.

"Is he going to tell on Hagrid?" Harry asks and I shake my head.

"Want did he ask for? He would never do something if he wasn't gaining anything" Hermione states knowingly.

"He wants me to get Dumbledore to put me in Slytherin, but I managed to buy time until Saturday" I explain. "We have to do something, I don't want to be in Slytherin" I state.

"Don't worry we'll talk to Hagrid tomorrow" Harry assured me wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I smiled and we all then went to bed. The next day it was agreed that Norbert would be sent to Romania to leave with a colony. Once we heard back from Ron's brother Charlie, who is a dragon tamer.

It was decided that a few of Charlie's friends would collect Norbert Friday night from the astronomy tower. I helped Hagrid the most as Norbert kept hurting the others. He seemed to only like Hagrid and I. Friday night came and Harry was taking Norbert to the tower with Hermione under the invisibility cloak. I wanted to go, but got detention with Snape for setting off dung-bombs in his office.

When I returned to the common room I found out Harry and Hermione had received detention. Along with Draco and Neville from Professor McGonagall. Also that they had left the cloak in the astronomy tower after dropping off Norbert.


Picture above of Norbert after hatching

Krestena Rachel Black: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now