Diagon Alley

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Krestena's POV

"I'm ready to leave Uncle" I announce pulling on my denim jacket.

"Have you got your list?" he asks as he enters the hall. I nod my head taking it out of my pocket showing him. Then put it back. "Hagrid is apparently taking someone school shopping today so we may see them in Diagon Alley" Uncle Remus states.

"I'd like that, I haven't seen him in months" I state. Uncle Remus then apperated us to the Leaky Cauldron and lead the way down stairs. No one bothered us as we went through the back door. "Are you sure we're in the right place Uncle?" I ask looking at the brick wall in front of us.

"Yes we are watch" he instructs taking out his wand and tapped the wall there times in different locations. The wall moved to reveal a packed street of people and shops everywhere. "Welcome Krestena to Diagon Alley" Uncle Remus states placing a hand on my shoulder. "First we'll go to Gringotts to get some money out of your vault" he states.

"My vault?" I ask confused we always used Uncle Remus's vault.

"Yes, as you are starting school now you can access your vault, here's your key" he explains giving me a small key. We reached Gringotts and a goblin escorted me to my vault 686, while Uncle Remus waited. When we reached it I saw Hagrid outside the vault next to it.

"Hagrid!" I exclaim and run to hug him which he returned. "Want are you doing here?" I ask pulling away.

"Just helping young Harry here get his money before we go get his school supplies" Hagrid explains. "Where's Remus?" he asks looking for my Uncle.

"Waiting upstairs I better get my money" I state and enter my vault the goblin opened. After getting a hand full of knuts, sickles and galleons I left the vault. When I left I noticed a boy with messy black hair and glasses talking to Hagrid. "See you at school Hagrid and Harry" I say hoping into my cart. I was taken back above ground and reunited with my Uncle.

"First we will go get your robes and while you are there I'll get your books" he explains. "Is there any extra book you want?" he asks. I thought about it for a moment, there were money books I wanted. But I could only chose one extra a year.

"Can you please get me Hogwarts a History by Bathilda Bagshot?" I ask.

"I thought you hated history" Uncle Remus states.

"I do but Hogwarts is a historic building and I'd like to know it's history" I explain.

"Very well, wait here I'll collect you after I brought your books" he states and I nod my head. I enter the shop while he left to enter an other. Madame Malkin made me stand on a stool next to a curtain as there was a boy also getting his robes.

"I'll be back with your Hogwarts robes" she states after measuring me.

"Oh so you are going to Hogwarts?" a boys voice ask from the other side of the curtain and it sounded familiar.

"Yes, it's my first year" I state.

"Mine too, my name is Draco Malfoy" the boy says and I realize he was my cousin.

"Nice to hear from you cousin, it's me Krestena where are your parents?" I ask. As Madame Malkin comes back and puts some robes on me. She started to pin the hem up along with the sleeves that were to long.

"Dad is getting my books and Mum is looking at wands" Draco drawled.

"You know the wand chooses the wizard" I remind him as the door to the store opened again.

"Hogwarts dear?" Madame Malkin asked the person leaving me for a moment. "Please stand there while I finish with an other customer" she states and comes back to me. After some last minute touches and me hearing Draco talking to an other boy I was done. "There you go deary all done, I'll have these ready in a few hours" she states.

"Ok thanks Madame Malkin either me or my uncle Remus will come to collect them" I assure her. Then hoped off the stool once she took the robes off. "Goodbye Draco see you at Hogwarts" I say and went to leave when I noticed the boy next to Draco. "See you there as well Harry" I state with a smile and then left the store.

Uncle Remus soon joined me and we went to get my potion stuff along with some more owl treats for Snowy. We then sat and had an ice-cream each he had the double chocolate while I had the chocolate chip. "Want else do you need?" he asks me and I take out my list.

"A wand and my robes should be ready now" I state.

"I'll drop you off at Ollivanders and then go pick up your robes" he suggests I nod my head in agreement.After finishing our ice-cream and he took me to Ollivanders. "I'll be back in a few minutes" he promises kissing my forehead.

I enter the shop to hear an old man who I assume is Mr Ollivander talking to Harry. "It's curious you are destine for this wand when it's brother gave you that scar" Ollivander states pointing at Harry's head. I rolled my eyes and placed a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Honestly you'll scare him Mr Ollivander" I state.

"My you look so much like your mother Miss Black" Mr Ollivander states.

"I hear that a lot" I tell him with a smile.

"I take you are here for your first wand" he states and I nod my head holding out my right arm. He measured it before going to the shelves full of rectangular boxes. Hagrid arrived to collect Harry and gave Harry a snowy owl. I told them both I'd see him at Hogwarts and they nod their heads saying goodbye.

I tried seven wands until I found mine which was Elm, 10 3/4 inch with dragon heartstring core. Mr Ollivander it was great for defense against the dark arts and transfiguration. He also said both my parents had Elm wands and my mothers was 10 3/4 inches while Dad's had a dragon heartstring core. Uncle Remus greeted me and sent my stuff home before we held each others arm. He apperated us home "I'm going to read my books before dinner" I state heading upstairs after he nodded his head.


Picture of Diagon Alley above and picture of her wand on the external link.

Krestena Rachel Black: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now