Talk in Hospital Wing

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Krestena's POV

After the battle against Voldemort and Quirrell in the chamber I woke up in the hospital wing with a bad concussion. So Madame Pomfrey has kept me in for three days now and says Harry should wake today. Luckily I did not suffer memory loss or any permanent brain damage. But head is still a little tender.

I was reading a book Hermione had brought me as I was bored doing nothing all day. She had brought me my book on Animagi and Professor Dumbledore had found my wand. So when Madame Pomfrey isn't around I practice the patronus charm. The day I woke up Uncle Remus was here and he was relieved that I was awake. Then scolded me on never doing something like that again. He left though as it is a full moon tonight. Besides the school year is nearly over.

As I started to read the title of a book that could tell me how to become an animagus I heard a groan in the bed beside me. "Good afternoon Harry" I say happily sending him a smile as Dumbledore entered the room. Harry put he's fixed glasses (curtsy of Hermione)on as Professor Dumbledore greeted us both.

Harry then started ranting about the stone and Quirrell then asking how Hermione, Ron and I were. "Relax Harry the stone is destroyed and the other two are fine, as am I" I assure him. "I'll be released soon" I tell him smiling.

"But won't Nicholas Flamel and his wife die?" Harry asks Dumbledore. I decided to let Dumbledore answer as I closed my book.

"Tokens from your friends and admirers" Dumbledore tells Harry pointing to the pail of sweets. Trying to distract Harry.

"Not all yours of course, some are for me" I add and take a chocolate frog.

"How long have Krestena and I been here?" Harry asks.

"You and Krestena have been here for three days" Dumbledore tells him. "Mister Ronald Weasley and Miss Granger will be pleased you are awake at last" he says smiling.

"But the stone sir..." Harry starts.

"I see you won't be distracted" Dumbledore states.

"This is Harry we are talking about" I remind him and he nods his head.

"Yes Nicholas and his wife will die, but after a little chat we agreed it was for the best. They have enough elixir to set their offers in order" Dumbledore assures Harry. "I know to you two it may seem incredible, but to them it is like falling to sleep after a long day" he tells us. "But to a well organized mind death is just the next great adventure" he tells us.

"That's amazing professor" I state "were you in Ravenclaw?" I ask.

"I was in Gryffindor" he tells me. "But do not tell anyone" he tells us and we nod our heads.

"Sir with the stone gone. does that mean Voldemort can't come back?" Harry asks.

"I am afraid there are other ways in which he can return" Dumbledore states.

"But why be after Harry?" I ask confused.

"A story for an other time Krestena" Dumbledore states.

"Why couldn't Quirrell touch me?" Harry asks.

"You're mother died to save you Harry" Dumbledore states. "Something like that leaves a mark that cannot be seen and lives in your very skin" he explains.

"Want sir?" Harry asks.

"Love Harry, it was her love that protected you and continues to protects you now" I state.

"You're right Krestena, is there anything else you wish to ask Harry, Krestena?" Dumbledore asks.

"Do you know who sent me the invisibility cloak?" Harry asks.

"And my locket?" I add pointing to it. I was happy to see it was undamaged from recent events.

"Well your father left the cloak in possession and I thought it best you have it. Your locket Krestena I believe was from Remus, but he had me write the not" Dumbledore tells us. "Speaking of which Krestena Madame Pomfrey said you may leave and Remus is waiting outside" Dumbledore tells me.

"Thanks Professor, can you have my tokens moved to me dorm?" I ask standing up. He agreed and I left the room to see my Uncle was indeed waiting. "Thank you Uncle for the necklace" I say hugging him.

"Your mother would have wanted you to have it, now I got you a new book" he states handing me a parcel. "I heard you were studying on how to become an animagus against my wishes. But knew I couldn't change your mind, so I got you this use it will" he tells me. "Now I must go it is a full moon tonight after all" he whispers.

"Thanks Uncle Moony, I'll see you at the station in a few days" I say hugging him one last time. We then went to the entrance hall before he left and I went upstairs to the common room. "Hermione, Ron Harry's awake, but is talking to the headmaster" I tell them sitting next to Hermione by the fire.

"How are you Krestena?" Hermione asks.

"Well, you can probably see Harry now I'm going to find Cedric" I tell them. They agree and leave and I head towards the pitch. There he was laying on the pitch looking at the sky. "Hey Cedric" I say sitting beside him.

"You're ok" he exclaims hugging me.

"Can't breath Ced" I tell him and he let go. "Of course I'm okay, takes more then a lunatic professor and few knocks to the head to keep me down" I state.

"Always so brave" Cedric says chuckling. "How's Harry?" he asks.

"He just woke up, Hermione and Ron are with him now" I tell him. "I trust you haven't let this affect your studying" I state.

"Maybe a little, but I still passed everything" he assures me.

"Good, fancy a game?" I ask pointing to the sky.

"Gladly" he states and helps me up as we summon our brooms. We then retrieved a quaffle before taking to the sky. That's how we spent the afternoon before going to our separate common rooms to change for dinner. Tonight the house cup would be announced and we'd leave in not tomorrow, but the day after. Which is weird you'd think they'd award the cup the night before our departure, not two nights before it.

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