Quidditch Match

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Krestena's POV

My leg was completely healed and Harry & I got our brooms in time for our first match.  The Slytherins didn't bother us as no one outside Gryffindor knew we were on the quidditch team. It was now the morning of the match and I sat in between Fred & George discussing their latest prank. Keeping my mind off the game and allowing me to ate some food. Unlike Harry who said he wasn't hungry and Snape made some comment about the mountain troll as he passed our table to the teachers table.

When Oliver called us down to the pitch we all got up and followed him out of the hall. After changing into my quidditch robes and got my broom I sat in between the other two chasers. Then Oliver started to give his pregame speech. As he did I heard the Weasley twins saying it as well and I look at them along with Harry.

"We know Oliver's speech by heart, we're on the team last year" Fred states seeing our confused faces.

"Shut up, you two. This is the best team Gryffindor's had in years. We're going to win, I know it" Oliver states shooting a short glare at the twins. With that he ended the speech and we lined up holding our brooms. My robes had the number five on it along with my last name 'Black'.

As we flew into the air Lee called our names and positions. I could tell a few people were surprised about Harry and I being on the team. After Oliver shook hands with Flint Madame Hooch released the two bludgers and snitch. When she threw the quaffle into the air the game began as I took possession of it.

I threw the quaffle to Angelina and she scored the first goal of the game. Gryffindor cheered as Slytherin hissed. As Slytherin took possession I stole the quaffle and passed it to Katie. But Marcus Flint takes it off her and heads towards our goal posts. After kicking Angelina away he threw the quaffle but Oliver blocked it. I took possession of the Quaffle and passed it to Angelina again who had recovered from the kick.

Angelina and I kept passing the quaffle to each other keeping it away from the Slytherin team. Katie was there for back if needed. When Angelina had the quaffle she went around the posts and gave it to me. I then scored a goal threw the center hoop as Gryffindor cheered.

Slytherin took possession of the quaffle again and headed towards our goal posts. When Oliver blocked it again Flint snapped taking a bat from one of his beaters. As a bludger passed him he hit catching Oliver in the stomach. Knocking him off his broom and landing unconscious on the floor. I was furious and took the penalty scoring another goal for Gryffindor.

Then Slytherin started to score goals and Angelina was taken out of the game. So now it was only Katie and I against the Slytherin chasers. Harry's broom then started to go haywire as Slytherin scored another goal. But I couldn't focus on that I had to focus on the game.

"Katie go block those goals Fred watch her back for any bludgers, George on me" I instruct taking charge. I gained possession of the quaffle and George watched my back as I headed towards the Slytherin goal posts. I faked right then scored a goal through the left hoop.

Harry finally regained control of his broom and flew after the other seeker who had spotted the snitch. "George go watch Harry keep the bludgers off him" I state as I headed towards Flint. He did as he was told and I grabbed the quaffle from Flint. "You got to be more aware Flint" I call back as I head ed towards the goal posts again.

This angered him and I had every Slytherin on my tail including the keeper who left her post. I then corkscrewed through them holding quaffle tightly as I laid flat on my broom. As I pulled out of the corkscrew I scored a goal through the center hoop as Harry caught the snitch. Well more like coughed it up.

When I was hit by a bludger and fell off my broom. But was caught by George as Fred got my broom for me. I was taken to the hospital wing as one of the Slytherin beaters received a weeks detention from McGonagall. Madame Pomfrey healed my broken arm putting it in a sling. Saying I had to keep it in there for three days then the twins walked me back to the common room. After we asked how Angelina and Oliver were doing.

There was a party that night and I didn't dance because of mt arm. But I still had fun. Especially when Angelina and Oliver came back from the hospital wing after dinner. Oliver thanked me for leading the team in his absence. Even asked if I wanted him to train me to be captain when he leaves Hogwarts. Everyone on the team agreed with him saying I'd make a remarkable captain. So I agreed and we went on celebrating until I fell asleep on the couch.


Picture above Harry and Krestena's broom

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