Christmas and Heirloom

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Krestena's POV

It was Christmas time and I was watching Ron teaching Harry how to play wizard's chess. I was staying at Hogwarts as Uncle Remus had a full moon on Christmas eve. So we were going to exchange presents through owl post. Which sadden me a little as we always spent Christmas day together in the past, even if there was a full moon. Then he would send me to one of our friends for the night is it was a full moon.

"That's totally barbaric" Hermione's voice broke me from my thoughts. I looked to see she had packed for her return home for the holidays. Again she spoke snapping me out of my thoughts. "You can help Harry then he's going to the library to look up more information on Nicolas Flamel" she tells Ron.

"Nicholas Flamel?" I ask confused of who they were talking about.

"That's right you weren't with us when we spoke to Hagrid after the match" Ron states.

"How could I had been so stupid?" Hermione mumbles annoyed at herself. "The three-headed dogs name is Fluffy and he guarding something. Hagrid said it was between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel" she explains.

"So now you are trying to find out who Flamel is and want Fluffy is protecting" I say. She nods her head. "One question, why?" I ask looking at all three of them in turn.

"Because Snape tried to get past Fluffy on Halloween and was the one who jinxed my broom during our quidditch match" Harry explains. I sigh think back to the day after the match when Cedric found me in the library.


"Krestena there you are" I heard Cedric's voice behind me as I did my potions homework.

"Hey Cedric, come to help me with my homework" I joke.

"Why didn't you tell me you were on the team already?" he asks.

"Because I wasn't aloud to tell anyone outside Gryffindor, besides Oliver would go berserk if he knew I helped you become seeker" I state. "Are you mad?" I ask pouting.

"Of course not" he relents giving me a hug. "I'm proud you made the team at such a young age" he assures me. "Now what was this about homework?' he asks sitting next to me.

"Well I'm doing potions now then I was going to do Transfiguration" I explain. That's want we did the rest of the afternoon. Cedric helped me with my Transfiguration homework while i helped him with his D. A. D. A homework.

(End of flashback)

When I came out of the memory Hermione hugged me goodbye before leaving. The two boys returned to their game of wizard's chess. But I left them to it and searched for the twins. I found them and we discussed our next prank idea for Christmas day.

(Christmas Day)

I woke Christmas morning alone in the girls dorm and went to go downstairs. To see a boy had tried to enter the girl dorms as the staircase was a slide. I slid down it happily to see Harry sprawled at the bottom. "Harry boys aren't aloud in the girl dorm rooms" I tell him giggling as I help him to his feet.

"Why? You can go into our dorm rooms" he asks.

"Old wizard law girl's are more trust worthy then boys" I explain. He grumbled as we joined Ron at the tree. I got six presents and an unknown one. There was a note attached and it said:

I found this in your family's old house after your mothers death. She had planned on giving it to you in your first year at Hogwarts. It is time you received it.

I opened the velvet box after removing the ribbon binding it. To see a beautiful necklace with a family crest on it. I opened it to see a picture of my mother and father inside with another little note. This one said in different handwriting:

My Dearest Krestena, I love you very much and so does your father. This is the only thing I had of my family. Apparently my mother gave it to me before she died and it was time it was passed down to you. May it bring you comfort in your darkness times. We are always thinking of you and now we will always be with you, close to your heart.

I teared up a little as Harry put the necklace around my neck. I then put on my Weasley jumper, which was navy blue with a white K. The twins and Percy joined us as we went down to breakfast. Afterwards I went to send Uncle Remus his present which was some chocolates and a photo of me with the other three (Harry, Hermione and Ron).

(At dinner)

I sat in between Fred and George as we prepared to do our prank.  Which wasn't anything big just setting off some indoor fireworks and me turning Snape's clothes into Gryffindor colours. As they set off the fireworks I did my spell quietly as everyone watched the fireworks.  Then the three of us left as everyone was distracted by the fireworks.

As we left the entrance hall we heard Snape's shout of fury and the others laughs. We climbed onto our brooms which we had hid earlier in a broom closet. Before heading into the forest to hide until Snape calmed down. Once we reached it we laughed our heads off.

"I'm glad we went with your idea Krestena" George said as we calmed down.

"Yeah definitely had a better effect then our original plan" Fred adds. The original plan was just to set dung-bombs off during dinner while we were outside the great hall. An hour later we returned to the castle and I went to my room wanting an early night after the prank.


Picture on external link of necklace with her mother's family crest on it.

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