Cedric Diggory

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Krestena's POV

Harry and I just finished our private session with Oliver. He just explained want Quidditch was and the positions. I didn't pay much attention as I was raised in this world and already understand the basics of Quidditch. They went to dinner early while I decided to stay behind and practice my flying skills.

It was peaceful until I notice someone else had arrived on the pitch. "Do you need help?" I ask flying a bit lower to the ground. I noticed it was a boy a few years older then me wearing jeans and white shirt.

"I'm sorry I didn't know anyone was out here" the boy tells me.

"I was just flying around" I tell him. "I'm Krestena Black" I state landing in front of him holding out a hand. He took it and his hand seemed to fit perfectly inside mine.

"Cedric Diggory" he states shaking my hand firmly but gently. "I was actually coming out here to practice before tryouts" he explains.

"Want position you trying out for?" I ask him.

"Seeker, do you like quidditch?" he asks.

"I do and plan on trying out for chaser next year" I half lie. "How about I help you train" I suggest and he gave me a confused look. "I can get some golf balls and throw them, then you catch them" I explain.

"That would really help and I'd appreciate it a lot" Cedric states smiling. I go get the golf balls Oliver and Harry were using earlier for their practice. I attached the bucket to my broom and took to the sky with Cedric following me.

"Let's make this a game shall we" I suggest. "Every time you catch a ball you can ask me a question and I will answer honestly. But if you miss the ball I'll ask you a question you have to answer. Deal?" I explain then ask.

"Deal" he replies smiling looking determined as I threw the first golf ball. Which he caught and he asked"want house are you in?"

"Gryffindor" I state and throw an other ball which he missed. "Want house are you in?" I ask.

"Hey, that was my question" he says pouting. "But I am in Hufflepuff and a third year" he says. When I threw an other ball he caught it and asked "do you have a boyfriend?"

"If you mean I am dating anyone then no" I reply. This goes on for a while until we got to the last ball. I found out his favourite colour was yellow, that he is an only child, half-blood and has an owl named Avon. He found out a lot more about me as he kept catching the golf balls. "Ok last ball then we will head back to the castle" I state and he nods his head.

I threw it hard towards the a goal post and he just caught it. "This maybe to personal, but who was your father?" he asks. I tense slightly before remembering he was a Hufflepuff and they are suppose to be more caring and accept others easier then other houses.

"Sirius Black is my father and my mother Rachel Black (*nee Cullen) died ten years ago on Halloween. Now I hate that holiday, because it reminds me of the day I lost both my parents. My mum was an amazing Chaser in her day and was going to make her own international team. But I didn't only lose my parents that night" I explain and land. I start to collect the stray golf balls off the field placing them in the bucket.

"Who?" Cedric asks landing beside me placing a few golf balls into the bucket.

"My unborn baby brother" I say sniffling. Cedric wrapped me into a hug as I placed my head into his chest. "My mum was two months pregnant and was going to tell my dad that night. Only my Uncle Remus knew she was pregnant, as he saw her doing the gender spell to see want she was having" I explain. Now I was silently crying in Cedric's chest.

"I am sorry I asked, but I'll be here if you ever need to talk about it. You're secrets are safe with me" he promises. "We collected all the balls, I'll lead you to the kitchens then take you back to Gryffindor tower" he states.

We went to the castle and he lead me to a painting of fruit. He tickled the pear and a door knob appeared. He held the door open for me and I enter to see a few house elves. Cedric spoke to an elf named Winky and she head two plates of food prepared for us along with a jug of water. After we ate we thanked the elves and left the kitchen.

When we reached the portrait of the 'Fat Lady' I turned to face Cedric bumping into his chest. "Sorry, I just wanted to thank you for this evening and for keeping my secrets" I say blushing. I had never felt this way around a guy before not even when Fred and George hugged me.

"You're are welcome Krestena and sweet dreams" he says kissing my cheek tenderly.

"Thanks and goodnight Cedric" I say and he leaves. I tell the portrait the password and she let me in. I saw the common room empty and went upstairs to my shared dorm. Then changed into my pj's and brushed my teeth before going to sleep. I dreamt of my first quidditch match.


Picture above of Cedric Diggory

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