First Day

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Krestena's POV

I went down to breakfast after my shower and changed into my robes. Hermione met me in the common room and we left for the great hall. We sat next to the Weasley twins and Lee. I got some bacon, toast and tomato sauce, before making a sandwich. While Hermione just had jam on just with pumpkin juice and I stuck with water. Professor McGonagall gave us our time tables as Harry appeared with Ron.

"Fred, George can you please show me around?" I ask with a gentle smile.

"Want am I chopped liver?" Lee asks looking hurt.

"Of course not, but you said you had to go to Divination in north tower which you said would take you ten minutes to get to" I state.

"Your right and I better go now actually" Lee says leaving. I said goodbye to Hermione saying I'd see her in Transfiguration. Fred and George were telling which teachers to look out for & which were nice.

"So with this prank, I have been looking through my books and my Uncle's old school books. There maybe a way to make the Slytherins stay pink longer" I whisper to the twins. They gave me  nod for me to continue explaining. "I've read of a potion that will prevent charms from working on the drinker for an hour. So we have to have our timing right and turn them as they go to drink it. That way they'll be stuck pink for an hour" I finish explaining.

"Is there any way to delay the effect of the potion?" George asks.

"Yes, I can delay it until after they have been hit by our colour change charm. So that it is activated after they have been charmed" I state. "Mind you it will be more difficult and some of the ingredients needed would be in the potion masters supply closet. Reserved for O. W. Ls and N. E. W. Ts students" I explain.

"We'll get the ingredients you focus on the potion and we will all learn the charm. Lee will as well" Fred states and I nodded my head in agreement. "Will here's your stop me lady, we will met you after class" Fred states kissing my hand while George kissed the other. They then left as Hermione appeared and we both entered the classroom.

"Good morning please take a seat the class will begin in five minutes" Professor McGonagall tells us. Hermione and I sit in the front row while the other Gryffindor first years joined us. Except for Harry and Ron who are running late. "Now please read the first chapter and makes notes from it according to want is on the board" she states then transforms into tabby cat landing on her desk. We clapped impressed and I remember to study Animagi during break.

While I read I heard Harry and Ron come in ten minutes late. They were scolded by Professor McGonagall before sitting down and taking out their books. She took her seat and told us want we would learn this year while we continued to take notes. After Transfiguration we had potions with Slytherins in the dungeons. The Weasley twins met me as they said they would and guided Hermione and I to class. "They seem to like you" Hermione states.

"We're friends and have a few things in common" I tell her as we entered the class. We sat in the second row with Harry and Ron. Professor Snape entered the room and started to tell us want we would be learning about this year, before doing the class roll. He sneered when he said my last name, but looked up when he got to Harry's name.

"Harry Potter our new celebrity" he sneers standing up walking over to Harry. "Tell me want would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel into an infusion of wormwood?" he asks. Hermione's hand shot up into the air while I looked at Harry. "No, want about you Miss Black?" he asks turning to me.

"It makes a powerful sleeping draft known as the Drought of Living Death" I answer.

"That is correct, now Mr Potter where would you look? If I asked you to find a Bezoar" Snape asks. Harry shook his head saying he didn't know and Snape turned back to me. "Do you know Ms Black?" he asks.

"In the belly of a goat" I state keeping it short and to the point.

"Final question Mr Potter, want is the difference between monkswood and wolfsbane?" Snape asks Harry.

"I don't know sir" Harry says again.

"Thought you wouldn't open a book before coming here Mr Potter" Snape sneered. "Want is the answer Miss Black" he demands.

"They are the same plant and are also known as aconite. It's not Harry's fault he couldn't read any books either" I reply.

"Detention Miss Black, but five points for answering each question correctly. However three points off each for Mr Potter not answering them" Snape states. I clench my fists as Snape went back to his desk. "Copy down the answers to those questions as they will be on the test at the end of the year. Then said we would be making a cure for boils putting the instructions on the board.

I finished the potion quickly and took a sample to Snape for marking. He gave me 75% reluctantly even though the potion was perfect according to his instructions. "Miss Black stay behind we must discuss your detention" he states at the end of class and I nod my head. Then finish cleaning up my cauldron and working area. Everyone else left and it was just him and me.

"You will serve detention with me on Wednesday after classes before dinner" he states.

"Want will I be doing sir?" I ask.

"I have not yet decided, I'll tell you when you arrive Wednesday afternoon" he replies. I nod my head and leave the room after he gave me a note to explain my lateness to the next professor. Other then that my first day went well and I got more points for my house along with Hermione for answering other questions correctly.

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