Charms and Troll

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Krestena's POV

Let me catch you up on want has happened since the last chapter. Harry, Hermione and Ron have met Fluffy, but don't know his name yet. Meanwhile Krestena was practicing the patronus charm in her secret room. Cedric and her have been meeting each other in private on the Quidditch pitch. Where they trained together and Krestena met the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team with Harry.

It is now Halloween and we are in charms class practicing levitation. I was partnered with Harry and Hermione was partnered with Ron next to us. Professor Flitwick asked if we had our feathers and I held mine up smiling along with Hermione. He then had us practice the wand movement swish and flick. "Now the incantation is Wingardium Leviosa" he tells us. "Well give it a try" he states.

I went to do it when I heard Ron next to me saying the spell wrong. "Stop, you are saying it wrong" Hermione tells him and I nod my head in agreement. "It's Leviosa not Leviosar" she states matter of factly.

"She is right Ronald" I state.

"You two do then if you're so clever" he states.

Hermione and I smile at each other raising our wands saying "Wingardium Leviosa" doing swish & flick. Our feathers floated as we raised our wands into the air. Unlike everyone else in class we got it on the first go.

"Oh well done, see here everyone Miss Black and Miss Granger have done it. Splendid" Professor Flitwick cheers. Then Seamus gives it ago, but on the third try lit his fire on fire covering himself in soot. I hid my laugh as Harry looked shocked.

"I think we are going to need an other feather over here professor" Harry states. After class Hermione and I were discussing our homework when we over heard Ron talking to Harry & their dorm mates (Dean, Seamus, and Neville).

"Their nightmares honestly, no wonder they don't have any friends" he states. Hermione sniffles banging into his shoulder storming off. Where as I drew out my wand and stood in front of Ron.

"You think it's funny to pick on girls smarter then you?" I ask growling. "Perhaps this will remind you to never do it again" I state. Then punch him hard in the jaw before storming off wand still clenched in my hand. I soon found Hermione crying the bathroom and knocked on her cubicle door.

"Don't listen to that idiot he is just jealous we are smarter then him. Especially you Hermione as you are muggle born and are still ten times smarter then him" I state. She opened the door allowing me to enter the cubicle and I gave her a hug. "I punched the idiot though I really wanted to hex him badly" I tell her and she giggled.

"I don't know why I giggle that was a bad thing to do even if he was being a jerk" Hermione says wiping her tears away. "But I don't want to go back to class because he'll be there" she states and I nod my head in agreement.

"We will stay here until the feast" I state. She agreed and we just continued to discuss homework from before. Hermione agreed to make me a schedule so that I had time for homework and pranks. Though she does not agree with me pranking other people with the Weasley twins. But I have my father's name to live up to, although no one other then Cedric knows who he is.

(that evening)

"Hermione I think it's time we go or we'll miss the feast. Uncle Remus always says it's the best feast" I state looking at my watch. She nods her head and we leave the cubicle heading over to the sink. Except we stopped when we saw a mountain troll. "Run towards the door" I tell her.

We run to it only to see that it was locked and the troll noticed us. It picked up it's club and swung it at us. We ducked it screaming and run back to the cubicle hiding in there. It smashed the cubicles and a chuck of wood got stuck in my leg as I screamed in pain.

"Help!" I her Hermione yell and turn to see Harry had arrived with Ron. Harry told us to move and Hermione helped me over to the sinks. While the boys were distracting the troll before Harry ended up on it's back. He stuck his wand up the trolls nose and I giggled clutching my leg.

Suddenly the troll grabbed Harry's leg pulling him off his back and tried to hit him with it's club. Harry kept dodging it as Ron drew his wand as Harry told him to do something. "Hurry up!" I yell at him.

"Swish and flick" Hermione instructs Ron.

"Wingardium Leviosa" Ron says swishing then flicking his wand. The club flew out of the troll's hand and it looked at it's hand confused. Then looked up and the club landed on it's head hard. Making it drop Harry who crawled out of the way as it fell down unconscious.

Harry retrieved his wand and wiped away the troll boogers as Hermione helped me stand. "Explain yourselves both of you" Professor McGonagall demands pointing at Harry and Ron. Harry and Ron went to explain to be cut off by Hermione & I.

"It's our fault Professor McGonagall we went looking for the troll. We had read about them and thought we could handle it" we lie. "If they hadn't come to find us we would probably be dead" we finish.

"I already got and need to go to the hospital wing Professor McGonagall" I state gesturing to my bleeding left leg. In the end she took ten points from Hermione and I. But gave the boys ten points each. Before she guided me to the hospital wing where Madam Pomfrey fixed my leg saying I had to spend the night.


Gif of the mountain Troll above

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