Hogwarts Express

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Krestena's POV

"I have to leave after we reach the platform I'm afraid" Uncle Remus states. "I just got offered an interview for a job" he explains. "But Tonks said she'd wait with you until you leave" he states and I smile. I haven't seen my cousin in a while it would be nice to see her again.

"I understand Uncle and good luck with the interview" I tell him smiling. "Now let's go, I don't want to miss the train, do I?" I asks and he shakes his head chuckling. He grabbed my trunk and I grabbed Snowy's cage. Once Uncle Remus locked the door we got into the taxi.

We reached Kings Cross Station fifteen minutes later and Uncle Remus got me a trolley while I paid the taxi as I was better with muggle money. When Uncle Remus comes back and helps me put my trunk on the trolley along with Snowy's cage. He then pushed it leading the way to platforms nine and ten.

"Where's platform 9 and 3/4s?" I ask my uncle as we faced the wall between the two platforms.

"Do you trust me?" he asks.

"Of course I do Uncle" I reply. He makes me take control of the trolley and puts an arm around my shoulders.

"Just walk through the wall run a little if you are nervous, I'll be right by your side" he explains. I take a deep breath and start brisk walk towards the wall with Uncle Remus at my side. Just as we were about to make contact with the wall I closed my eyes. But the impact never came and I opened my eyes.

We were on a different platform and Uncle Remus chuckled at my expression. "I'll help you find Tonks then I'll be off" he states. I push the trolley this time following him and spotted my cousin.

"I see you went blue today" I say giving her a hug "I've missed you Tonks" I say pulling away. Then hugged Uncle Remus goodbye before he disapperated. "I still have fifteen minutes, so how are your parents?" I ask Tonks.

"Good, Mum still calls me Nymphadora and Dad calls me Dora has got a new job" Tonks states.

"Dora's a nice name" I tell her smiling.

"You are to only ever call me Tonks" she states sternly then we both giggle. "Come the train will leave soon, do you need help with your trunk?" she asks.

"No I'll be fine Tonks, I'll write every month" I promise hugging her. When we let go I pushed my trolley to the train and tried to get my trunk onto the train. But it was to heavy for me and I was having trouble.

"Need help?" a voice asked behind me and I turned to see red haired boy a few years older then me with blue eyes.

"Yes please" I say placing my trunk down.

"Fred come give us a hand" the boy says and an other boy who looks exactly like him appears. They got my trunk onto the train and I grabbed Snowy's cage. "If you ever need help call upon us Fred and George Weasley" the boy says as they bowed making me giggle.

"Thank you George and Fred I'll see you around school" I tell them before heading down the corridor looking for a compartment. I soon found one with a dark skin boy inside holding a shoe box. "Can I sit with you?" I ask opening the door.

"Of course, here I'll put your trunk in the luggage rack" he states taking my trunk. I sat down next to the window placing Snowy's cage beside me. "My name's Lee Jordan" he says holding his hand out to me after finishing with my trunk.

"Krestena Black, want's in the shoe box?" I ask shaking his hand.

"Are you scared of spiders?" he asks and I shale my head. So he picked up the box and took off the lid to reveal a giant tarantula.

"May I?" I ask gesturing to the box and he nods his head. I place my hand in the box and the spider crawled onto it. "A magnificent specimen" I state handing it back to him. Suddenly the apartment door open to reveal Fred and George.

"Hey Lee we heard you have a tarantula" Fred and George state.

"Yeah it just landed on your head Fred" I state and he immediately shakes his saying 'get it off' making me and Lee laugh loudly. "I can't believe you fell for that, your face was priceless. Where's a camera when you need one?" I ask still giggling.

"She so got you Forge" George says chuckling. "By the way I don't believe we got your name pretty lady" he states kissing my hand. Making me blush while I still giggled hiding behind my long brown hair.

"Krestena Black and it's nice to see you both again" I say removing my hand from his.

"You we could use her help in pranks" Fred states sitting next to Lee.

"You prank?" I ask in excitement. I love pranking and do at least one prank a month at home.

"Yeah, are you interested in helping?" George asks sitting next to Snowy's cages.

"Most definitely, but who do we prank first?" I ask smirking.

"How about the Slytherins" Fred suggests.

"We could turn all their robes bright pink" I state giggling. I was suddenly pulled into a hug between the two twins.

"Oh she so cute, can we keep her Lee? Pretty please" they both ask Lee.

"Sure it'd be nice to have a girl around who can take a laugh and isn't afraid of bugs" Lee states.

"That settles it then" Fred states letting go of me.

"You are now apart of our pranking group" George finishes letting me go.

"As long as it doesn't interfere with my study" I tell them firmly returning to my seat. Fred and Lee played exploding snap I read one of my course books practicing spells while George read a Quidditch magazine. When a girl my age with bushy brown hair entered the room.

"Have any of you seen a toad? A boy name Neville has lost one" she asks.

"Sorry no we haven't, my names Krestena Black, these three are Fred and George Weasley & Lee Jordan" I tell her.

"I'm Hermione Granger" she says with a smile on her face. "Are you doing magic??" she asks pointing to my wand.

"Just practicing a few simple spells" I state smiling. "I hope we're in the same house Hermione" I tell her honestly.

"Same here, I'm going to continue looking for the toad. "I'll see you at school and you might want to change, I expect we'll be arriving soon" Hermione states and leaves.

"She's right" Lee says looking at his watch. So I grab my robes and head to the rest room to change. When I got back someone said over the intercom we would be pulling into Hogsmeade station in five minutes. It also said to leave our luggage behind as it would be taken to the castle separately.


Picture above of Hogwarts Express

Krestena Rachel Black: Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ