I. I'm Alexander Hamilton, but who are you?

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[photo-Pinterest; Phillipa Soo (left) Lin-Manuel Miranda (right) "That Would Be Enough"]

  That very special moment when you first hear the soundtrack. Compared to the 280,654,764th time you listen to the opening song.

First Time:
   Song: "How does a bastard..."
   You: "Wow, this ain't half bad!"
280,654,764th Time:
   Song: "How does a bastard..."

Honestly, I think we all get this feeling, I mean, the opening song is just really cool, it's like in Star Wars with the opening title card. It's a magical feeling.  
Even cooler is, everyone else is wearing beige and white, except Aaron Burr/Leslie Odom Jr. He is wearing black. Of course, Alexander Hamilton/Lin-Manuel Miranda gets his brown coat from his loving wife (in the play) Eliza Schuyler-Hamilton/Phillipa Soo, but other than that, everyone who is either double casted or has a set role or the company is wearing beige. Which is honestly fantastic, every character has anonymously and with ambiguity said how they know him, who they are (somewhat), and reiterated that they have a connection to this man, whereas Burr, in his line, is automatically the villain with "And me....I'm the damn fool that shot him".
Even his [Alexander's] wife; *in the play, isn't even said to be his wife in the opening song. The only point you get is she [whoever is playing Eliza] is putting his coat on him. She's just one of the women that loved him. Along with 2 other women we aren't introduced to.
  It's fabulous how the ambiguity and absolute anonymity of the characters except for Hamilton himself and Burr is wonderful.
*Lin-Manuel is married, and sometimes to my disappointment, isn't married to Phillipa Soo, and his wife (Vanessa) doesn't play Eliza, so I make this point

Okay so, how was that?! Well, I hope you enjoyed this! Look forward to my next one tomorrow, which I will be going over and giving my thoughts on how awesome the title is for being ambiguous to Alexander and Eliza. See you all tomorrow!

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