VIII. Satisfied....Not Really

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[photo: Pinterest- Angelica Schuyler, Elizabeth Schuyler; dude who drew this is my hero]
Sorry for not updating yesterday. Schoolwork drop-kicked me into frozen peas like a bitch.

Alrighty so we all know the turn-up song, the fucking "Bad and Boujee" popularity of "Hamilton", we all know it, "Satisfied" sung by the fucking talented Renée Elise Goldsberry. The second Hamilton Queen. But in that song, we learn that dear older sister Angelica Schuyler-Church (yes, in real life, she was married by the time she met Hamilton) develops a crush the size of Saturn on Mr. Alexander Hamilton. BUT, she decides, after seeing her sister become a smitten little child after seeing this man, "Lets give this hoe to Eliza.".
Which I somewhat have a problem with. Now don't get me wrong, I am Team Hamliza all the fucking way, I'd go through hell for that damn ship, but part of me feels Angelica picked a bouquet of oopsie-daisies after that Winter's Ball (which in real life, that never happened).
First, I have to ruin the damn play by saying what happened in history.
Curtesy of Wikipedia, because no fucks given: "In early 1780, Elizabeth went to stay with her aunt, Gertrude Schuyler Cochran, in Morristown, New Jersey. There she met Alexander Hamilton, one of General George Washington's aides-de-camp, who was stationed along with the General and his men in Morristown for the winter. (In fact, they had met previously, if briefly, two years before, when Hamilton dined with the Schuylers on his way back from a negotiation on Washington's behalf.) Also while in Morristown, Eliza met and became friends with Martha Washington, a friendship they would maintain throughout their husbands' political careers. Eliza later said of Mrs. Washington, "She was always my ideal of a true woman.". The relationship between Eliza and Alexander quickly grew, even after he left Morristown, only a month after Eliza had arrived. By early April they were officially engaged, with her father's blessing (something of an anomaly for the Schuyler girls—both Angelica and Peggy would end up eloping)" skip a bit: "Then, on December 14, 1780, Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler were married at the Schuyler Mansion" happy ending, all is well.
Yeah so, that's what happened historically. In the play though, they meet at a ball, which is Angelica's biggest fuck-up. So after listening to Helpless and Satisfied nonstop (did I just Hamilton pun myself? I did.....) I created a frame-by-frame rundown of what happened, according to the two Schuyler sisters.

*Warning: Pure Bullshit Ahead*

According to Eliza: Eliza is hanging out at this ball and shit, being the Saint she is, and then this dude walks in. And he is FUCKING HOT. She wants this dude. But, being the adorable piece of sunshine she is, she can't approach this dude, he's too cool, so, it's your basic white girl movie boy meeting plot. So she tells Angelica "I call dibs, he is mine. Help me sis, I have no idea what to do...". And Angelica is all like "I gotchu fam." So Eliza sees her sister run over and talk to this dude. And she is super nervous because "What if Angelica gets this dude I called dibs on, she'll break the sister code, the fuck!" And two-three minutes later while Eliza is stressing, this dude and Angelica walks over. They meet, exchange names and shit, and Angie leaves them to be. They probably dance or some shit, have some fun, exchange mailing addresses, and happily ever after.

*Warning: Even More Bullshit*

According to Angelica: Angelica is hanging out at this ball and shit, being the badass she is, and this dude walks in. And he is FUCKING HOT. And she wants this dude. So, she goes and talks to him. For two or three minutes. Nothing special, and after being in a state of shock, she gets pulled over by Eliza and she is like "I call dibs, help me". And then Angelica does some romance-calculus and she's like "I gotchu fam.". So she brings this dude over whilst realizing "I got shit to do with my life, and Eliza probably never gets the damn guy, let's have Eliza meet this hoe, maybe, if I'm lucky, he won't like her.". Well, she is wrong. They meet, fall in love, happily ever after for the Hamiltons.

  But, if Angelica is this smart, genius, and beautiful woman, why did she introduce Eliza to this fool? Yes, Angie loves her little sister more than herself, but if Angelica truly loved this boy, why didn't she either:
A. Keep the meeting short, then drag him off somewhere.
B. Not introduce Eliza to Alexander because she knew Eliza would grab his attention.
Or C. Like in the song, she says "If I tell her that I love him she'll be silently resigned, he'd be mine, she'd say she's fine, she'd be lying." And just tell Eliza?!

Now this is mainly what I wanted to talk about. She had every opportunity to crush her sister's dreams to fulfill her own, which she had like, 1000 opportunities to do just that. Why didn't she? Now, her and Alexander had a pretty flirty relationship the whole damn show until you know, "He never gon' be president now." We all know happened. I don't have to say that shit. But, her and her brother in law would, as Lin calls it, "Comma Sexting", and send letters to each other all the damn time! So, why didn't she keep this boy?
Well, Lin and Renée say it themselves, Angelica knew Eliza was the better woman. But I won't settle for that shit. What if she was afraid he'd be bad for her?
Hear me out comment section. I hear you ( #nobodycommentsanyway ), "Angelica would have loved him forever!"
"They are perfect for each other!"
"I killed somebody because that whore said Lams sucked!". I hear you. But think about it, being an intellectual equal to someone would keep conversations going, but, political conversations and conversations about life and dreams would be interesting. But what about emotional talks?

   See, Eliza managed to balance out Alexander by being an emotionally stable and gentle rock for him to lean on, while Alexander was kind of a well, emotional wreck and stone. At once. Whereas, Angelica is the same way, except she's more pro active showing emotions of anger and her thoughts. And so does Alexander. That's where more arguments would happen. Their relationship would probably consist of angry talks about politics and things if that nature, whereas emotional discussions about how they feel and what they should do would be a fucking wreck.
Now on the other hand, Eliza and Alexander probably didn't have the most beautiful political discussions or debates, but they probably carried emotional discussions like angels carry Jesus or something.
(*everyone that's Catholic is probably not triggered*)

  As proven in the songs "That Would Be Enough", "Non-Stop", "Take a Break", and "Best of Wives, Best of Women", hell, even "It's Quiet Uptown". Eliza manages to be emotionally able to talk about things, even if they are slightly negative, she can still discuss them without shutting down. Eliza wants to grant her husband piece of mind, which she does.
I can honestly say I don't think Angelica and him would work in the same way. Angelica and him would, lets take an example from "That Would Be Enough". She would be a little furious Alexander went off to war, and while she was pregnant, and when he got home, Alexander was freaking the hell out, he got kicked out of the army, AND his wife was pregnant.

   Now, Eliza handled it beautifully, she managed to calm him down and made him relax. Where, I feel Angelica would just feed fire into the flame.
But let's say what happens in Non-Stop, he is rushing off into politics without running it by his significant other, and let's be honest, Angelica would not take that kindly. Eliza on the other hand got mad, but she eventually let it go.

In the long run, Eliza is probably a better choice for Hamilton, she is maybe not the brightest, but she can certainly keep him calm, whereas Angelica is a genius, but she probably couldn't keep him super calm. I love Angelica, but I think it's a little better she married this British dude instead of Alexander. But imagine what train wreck that would be? Just kidding.

If you ship Hamgelica, tell me why. I'm honestly curious. I'd like to know. Sorry I didn't update yesterday, schoolwork was a bitch. Well guys, tomorrow I plan to, every Friday, have just a crap ton of shit-posting. Friday's I'd honestly like work on other stories (new stories coming soon btw) and just shitpost. Also, if you like Hamilton, share this with your friends that do. Goodnight y'all!

Some Hamiltrash ShitTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon